From the Horse’s Mouth – Nathan Phillips STOLEN VALOR (Also has a criminal record and escaped from jail) – IOTW Report

From the Horse’s Mouth – Nathan Phillips STOLEN VALOR (Also has a criminal record and escaped from jail)

Go to 9:45 (or -26:44)

or scroll down for more examples of Phillips clearly stating he is a Vietnam Vet “in theater.”


Native American activist Nathan Phillips has violent criminal record and escaped from jail as teenager

He pleaded guilty to assault on June 19, 1974, and was fined $200. In addition, he was charged with underage possession of alcohol in 1972, 1973, and 1975, as well as negligent driving. A destruction of property charge against him was dropped in August 1973, but Phillips was sentenced to one year probation for a related charge of alcohol possession by a minor. In December 1978, he was charged with driving without a license.

Phillips, who was 19 at the time, was “charged with escaping from the Nebraska Penal Complex where he was confined May 3,” according to a May 9, 1974, article in the Lincoln Star. The court approved a bond of $500 and set a preliminary hearing for May 14.

26 Comments on From the Horse’s Mouth – Nathan Phillips STOLEN VALOR (Also has a criminal record and escaped from jail)

  1. Chief Gum Disease is nothing but a cheap drunk, cashing in on his only credential, somethin he had no control over: his being born into a protected class.
    Soon the Left will tire of him and throw him overboard like they did with Cindy Sheehan and Amoroso.
    Unlike them, he will find contentment in the dark depths of the ocean, where his lower fangs will aid him in sifting through the sand as he scavenges along the bottom

  2. As I said before the guy is a fraud! Rangers are Dogies; not Jarheads!
    I can not believe all leftists are so ignorant! I know the Post has printed hate America lies for 70 years; seems the rest have joined the party!

    They knew he lied just as the lie about the Chavez election 20 years ago! Pre meditated America hate.

  3. May 72, Hill #904

    The chopper pulled out in a cloud of dust and shrapnel from the unrelenting mortar rounds pounding the outpost. Sniper fire thudded into the sandbags and the grit stung the eyes and the familiar taste of cordite was in everyone’s mouth.

    Crouching through the dust Super Private “Geronimo” Phillips ducked into the observation post and assessed the situation.

    “You fella’s look like you could use a cold one.”

    It was true. The diesel generator had an AK round through it and the ice machine hadn’t been working in weeks. All the Marines looked haggard, tired… all they wanted was a cold beer, and Charlie had taken that away from them.

    Private Phillips reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pint of whiskey. Taking a long slug he smacked his lips and sighed.

    “Semper fuggin’ Fi, show me that fridge that wants to die.”

    The generator and fridge were located 50 yards across the compound, through a minefield and surrounded by barbed wire. To make matters worse. The V.C. has already zeroed in on the fridge with heavy weapons fire and threatened instant annihilation to anyone fool hardy enough to want a glass of milk in the middle of the night.

    Geronimo Phillips, fortified with Dutch courage, held a lone Phillips head screwdriver between his teeth, began the deadly crawl toward the refrigerator… and his date…. with destiny…

  4. Straight from the horse’s what? I think that’s a typo. It’s also a real stretch to say a Native American may have (or had) an alcohol problem. But just to be safe, no way am I letting him anywhere near any of my appliances…

  5. Counted on my fingers, I could be wrong, Chief Running Reefer wasn’t 21 until sometime in ’76.
    Think this is one Marine, the real Marines, will gladly describe as, an ex-Marine.
    I hope y’all will pardon my fox paw for not thanking him for his service.

  6. This latest news completely contradicts the news about his Marine Corps service. One of the stories must be false

    The shit service record seems believable, as it seemed to be backed up with a document. The fact that he went AWOL three times and was not dishonorably discharged seems suspect. That wouldn’t have happened when I was in

    But then again, the military in the aftermath of ‘Nam was desperate for bodies. Nobody wanted to enlist. Also, my brother was in the military during this period and said race sensitivity training was all the rage at the time. They probably bent over backwards for this bastard

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