From the “No $hit Sherlock” Files — Obama Dreams About Gay Sex – IOTW Report

From the “No $hit Sherlock” Files — Obama Dreams About Gay Sex

This letter was written a long time ago. If he didn’t have gay sex yet, he certainly did later on.

Just ask Larry Sinclair. (Part 2)


“In regard to homosexuality, I must say that I believe this is an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life. You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination,” Obama, then 21, wrote to Alex McNear in November 1982.

“My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so until I can think in terms of people, not women as opposed to men. But, in returning to the body, I see that I have been made a man, and physically in life, I choose to accept that contingency,” he added.

30 Comments on From the “No $hit Sherlock” Files — Obama Dreams About Gay Sex

  1. Why does this recent resurfacing of old information seem like the public is being groomed for something? And why does it feel like this “something” somehow involves the dead paddleboard chef?

    And what happened to that book which Barky was going to write? Has he been distracted by more free time and less scrutiny? Worse yet, has that distraction gotten him in a little trouble?

  2. Looks like a good time to “circle back” and revisit the claims of Larry Sinclair and to recall that 3 gay men from Obama’s church were slain “execution style.”

  3. Barry, Barry, is quite the fairy and everything that he has ever said about having gay sex is quite contrary. All of his malarkey is a great big lie since he likes having sex with many a guy. He’s a lying jackass who likes to take it up his ass.

  4. What a coward!
    All the blue-haired weirdos are able to shout loud and proud about their sexual identity, and the great communicator hides behind fancy words and high-minded rhetoric.
    Imagine how he would be embraced by the alphabet people if he were to come out of the closet!
    The Magic Negro, indeed. LOL

  5. Back in 2017, it was written by an 0bama-friendly that 0bama supposedly had a “White” girlfriend he dumped because his political career needed him to be with a black chick. Yeah, he was just as shallow back then. And Bi.
    Supposedly. lol

  6. Obama Dreams About Gay Sex between sucking dicks and getting poked in the ass.

    No such thing as “gay.”
    Homosexual is the proper word. We use euphemism to obscure.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Tim

    And there’s definitely nothing gay about being the bottom boy. Ask Ned Beatty. He sounded none too happy when he got boned in the movie “Deliverance”

  8. On a more serious note. The pathological behaviour you see during Pride Week and the endless demands that everybody affirm them suggest they are neither gay nor do they have any self esteem at all

    Moreover, all these drag queens with their bizarre and hate filled portrayals of basically middle aged women suggest the likely source … they have deep hostility to their own mothers. Somehow their mothers broke the mother and son bond at a very early age

  9. Well poke Barry in the pooper and call him Shakonda.

    The fairy owns a beach front mansion on Oahu and about 5 years back they were doing some emergency repair work on a retaining wall during a big storm. And Barry the Fairy was out there on the beach complaining about something to the job foreman. The dudette had his hand placed on the back of his hips in the most feminine display of God knows what I’ve ever seen. It just screamed do me in the face. Disgusting.
    The guy never was who he said he was Starting with his citizenship.

  10. Unofficially, Barry O. is the first LGBTQ U.S. President. He and his handlers spend a lot of time hiding that fact. Why? They know most Americans and even the illegal hoards invading this country since Barry’s presidency, consider homosexuality an abhorrent lifestyle. He would never had been elected president if it was common knowledge he is “gay” or queer.

  11. Barry was raised on his knees sucking Frank Commie Wrights dick and relives the Dreams of His Actual Father daily by sucking Manchelles.

    That’s how he got beat up bitching about the Chef servicing Big Mike. The Wookie whopped his stickly ass good, and the Chef had to be silenced.

    These satanic monsters eat adrenal glands from babies, they are capable of anything. Why do you think our borders are open and hundreds of thousands of children are missing?


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