From the “No Sh*t Sherlock” File – Face Shields Do Not Stop One From Getting Covid – IOTW Report

From the “No Sh*t Sherlock” File – Face Shields Do Not Stop One From Getting Covid

You don’t sayyyyyyyyyyyy?

Does this mean holding my hands over my eyes doesn’t make me invisible?


Recent research concluded that if an infected person sneezes three feet away, the subsequent “vortex rings” will carry infectious particles to the face shield and stick to the edge of the plastic in approximately half a second. And if it just so happens that the person wearing the shield breathes in simultaneously, the wearer has a decent chance of becoming infected.


ya think?

16 Comments on From the “No Sh*t Sherlock” File – Face Shields Do Not Stop One From Getting Covid

  1. …diseases were on this earth long before us, and will be on thus earth long after us. God gave us an immune system for a reason, but you have to USE it for it to WORK.

    Between washing dishes, scrubbing floors, running EMS, working on cars where I had to touch EVERY steering wheel someone just got done sneezing on, and working in a VERY international food plant, I have an immune system that goes out and kills my neighbors’ diseases when I sleep because its bored with just killing MINE. But it wouldn’t BE so if I hadn’t exposed it to so many things, and KEEP exposing it to so many things…

  2. From the “No Sh*t Sherlock” File – Face Shields Do Not Stop One From Getting Covid

    Observe! Watch people touching their facemasks then sampling grapes, cherries, strawberries, etc., in the store. Saw a man open up a carton of Chicken Alfredo, take a sample, plopped it in his mouth, made a face, closed the container and put it back on the shelf. I could go on and on with the crap I see going on. I’m told to put a facemask on before entering. That’s when I go into my diatribe about them policing people touching their facemask in their store. LOL! They don’t want to hear it and just wave me by when they see me. 🙂 Put it back on them, stand back and watch and smirk. I’m having a fun time with this, I like watching them squirm. Please tell me again how facemasks protect…..

  3. Never stifle a sneeze. If the pressure ratio across various pie holes reaches 1.89 or above, the flow at the hole becomes supersonic and a shock wave forms.

    Also, if you’re pretty sure you don’t have COVID, go ahead and sneeze loudly into your mask while in the store and watch people’s eyes afterwards. 🙂

  4. Jimmy
    DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 4:27 PM
    “Also, if you’re pretty sure you don’t have COVID, go ahead and sneeze loudly into your mask while in the store and watch people’s eyes afterwards.”


    *person sneezes*

    Bystander – “Bless You!”


    *person sneezes*


    *everyone tramples each other leaving the store*

    …kind of reminds me of this…

  5. Spread the word: farts contain the WuFlu virus. Fauci said it, so it’s gospel truth.

    After you get a group of people at the store to hear this, walk away and rip a loud one.


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