From the people at Velcro – IOTW Report

From the people at Velcro

Don’t call all Hook and Loop products Velcro-

the follow up video was funny also-

26 Comments on From the people at Velcro

  1. All rejects from Presbyterian choirs and you know they be the worst wannabees going, waving hands when they think they are soulful and smiling with chin down almost mumbling with 1/2 tone dissonance most of the time. Then again, they purport to be lawyerly so who really cares?

  2. …so where’s the lawyers for all the words Democrats have perverted?

    Gay – happy

    Faggot – clinker after a fire

    Liberal – generous

    Justice – equal application of law

    Woman – born with XY chromosomes that produce specific primary and secondary sex characteristics that cannot be successfully altered by medicine or surgery.

    Man – born with XY chromosomes that produce specific primary and secondary sex characteristics that cannot be successfully altered by medicine or surgery.

    Gender – definite article assiged to specific nouns in some non-English languages. Does not connote biological sex.

    Choice – picking an item based on the best possible advice. Does not connote murder.

    Honorable – people of probity and good moral character.

    Evidence – provable, verifiable facts or testimony that was had at first hand and can be successfully subject to cross-examination.

    Good – not evil, wrong, or injurious. That which is morally right; righteousness.

    Bad – Evil, wrong, injurious. that which is morally wrong; unrighteousness.

    Rights – given by God, enjoyed by everyone equally.

    Diversity – Natural variety of any form of life, thought, or genetics with no artificial political manipulation.

    Free Speech – no speech is excluded or criminalized.

    Equality – All people are the same before the law and given the same opportunities, with no favor or disfavor show to any group based on visible or alleged characteristics.

    Fairness – See Rights and Equality above. Equal opportunity. No guarenteed outcome.

    Victim – one injured by the actions of another or by the actions of a State in violation of the laws of God and Man.

    Law – Agreed-upon rules applied equally to everybody that have to have some basic moral underpinnings and cannot violate God- given rights.

    Niggardly – lazy, slothful, torporos.

    …all these, and many more, twisted and abused by Democrats, almost without challenge…

    …where are THOSE lawyers?

  3. TRF DECEMBER 29, 2019 AT 7:11 AM
    “Gee Wally, whutever happened to Lady Kenmore?

    Kelvinator… Beave.”

    …she was raped by a series of very poor business decisions by a CEO in a position to profit from his own company’s misfortures, and was sold to the Chinese along with her cousins Craftsman and Die-Hard when her former master merged two struggling companies into one big failure.

  4. ^^^sorry, fell in between “Torpid” and “Torporous”, and a lack of editorial skillz.

    I’ll try to do better.

    …but most folks don’t read that far anyway…

  5. ^^^(see poor editing skills response to Lazlo above, and also enjoy my niggardly cut-and-paste skills at the root of it.) I did see it when responding to Lazlo, but couldn’t change it and it and hoped the thread was too old for further attention. As I told Lazlo, sorry, I’ll try to do better.

    …but thanks for reading, tho, pretty patient there…


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