From the wayback machine… – IOTW Report

From the wayback machine…

The Guy Who Once Sold His Own Driveway is Now Your *President.

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: We all have known someone like this.  They think they know a lot more than they really do.  And when they talk about how things work, it’s with so much confidence that you figure there must be some genuine smarts behind it, but in actuality, they are just full of shit.

They manage somehow to stick around a long time, so it’s hard to imagine the person is completely clueless and inept.  But once you start really paying attention to the things they say, you begin to wonder.  What would happen if you put the person in charge of something challenging?

When Joe Biden was vice president, he wasn’t in charge of much of anything.  When he was in the U.S. Senate, he wasn’t in charge of much of anything either.  And he hasn’t had a job in the private sector in more than 50 years. To find out how Joe handles actual responsibility, we have to look a little deeper.

National Review’s Kyle Smith reminded us recently that Joe Biden has already shown us what he’s made of.  Joe once thought he saw a huge real estate opportunity and displayed his managerial ineptitude on a grand scale.  It was a fixer-upper he thought he could buy cheap and make a few simple tweaks to. Kinda the way the Joe of today sees America. more

10 Comments on From the wayback machine…

  1. Teddy Kennedy drowned a woman and it cost him the presidency.
    Joe Biden’s wife fucked up and turned in front of a large truck and died.
    Joe blamed the driver, lied that he was drunk, ultimately became president*.

    Democrat progress through the ages.

  2. And y’all thought Dunning-Krueger was just a psychiatrist’s wet dream. The commies that pushed this freak upon the world are just as demented. By my estimate, there are tens of thousands of enablers, co-conspirators (corporate, as well as foreign and domestic government), and all-around lackeys that will be spending eternity in one of Dante’s circles of Hell.

    My only prayer these days is that I am one of their travel agents.

    Hell hath no Fury like a Patriot scorned. — Me

  3. Well Joe is so stupid he would buy the dirt his house sits on.

    I volunteer to keep Jill company.

    You know Joe isn’t up to it.

    Democrat women are always horny.

  4. Yep joe built that and went to the low end for the number 2. Or maybe there is a big machine behind him pushing him through the line. I wonder what they have in mind for week 4 and 5? Only 204 mor weeks to go.


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