From the “You Can’t Make This Up, Not an Onion Story” File – Was the Author of a “Clinton Murder Count” Book Really Found Dead? – IOTW Report

From the “You Can’t Make This Up, Not an Onion Story” File – Was the Author of a “Clinton Murder Count” Book Really Found Dead?

I’m not going to report this as fact, primarily because I don’t know the sites that are reporting this story, but it’s simply too ironic to not post. (I’m not gleeful if a man has died, it’s just the irony of it is hard to get past.) You can look at the links and decide if it’s true or not.

Victor Thorn, a guy that specializes in conspiracy theory type books (he wrote one saying the holocaust was a hoax) was found dead at the top of a mountain from a gunshot wound.

One of the books he wrote was about all the murders connected to the Clintons.

Irony? Hoax? Another Clinton murder?

You decide.

ht/ Annie


17 Comments on From the “You Can’t Make This Up, Not an Onion Story” File – Was the Author of a “Clinton Murder Count” Book Really Found Dead?

  1. I think the so-called coincidences of all the people who’ve died around the Clintons is no coincidence at all. They are part of the Democrat ‘gang’, as D’Souza says. And that’s what gangs do when there’s a snitch.

  2. I was just reading where Jack Cashill is looking for this guy Steve Bongardt, who may have crucial information about the Clinton coverup of TWA800…

    “…authorities have tried to intimidate at least one of my high-level sources. His public posture protects him. Here is hoping Bongardt understands that it is safer to go public than not.”

    Sorry, Jack. You will never hear from him. There is no safe place from the Clintons.

  3. “he wrote one saying the holocaust was a hoax”

    That’s a shame.

    Instant loss of credibility.

    Now it doesn’t matter how much truth is in his other books, as far as I’m concerned. That book makes him a hack.

  4. A coincidence is when the Sun sets after you eat your dinner.

    There are NO coincidences in politics.

    Contrary to popular fiction, politicians are NOT blind, brain-dead, buffoons who just happen to stumble into public office and amass millions of dollars while doing incalculable damage to America.

    They do it with Malice Aforethought. With Intention. With Purpose.

    izlamo delenda est …

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