From Vox- Joe Biden’s got a long history of touching women inappropriately – IOTW Report

From Vox- Joe Biden’s got a long history of touching women inappropriately

When you’re a lefty and lose Vox, you’re done.

The left is hellbent on running anyone but an old white dude, and that includes Bernie.

The leftwing media has suddenly learned that Biden is a pig? We’ve been saying it since he was a veep, and they dismissed us as loons. Now thy want him out of the way, so we’re not crazy anymore.


Democrat Lucy Flores was preparing to give one of her final stump speeches in a race for lieutenant governor in Nevada when she felt two hands on her shoulders. She froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?” Flores wondered.

Flores recounts her experience with Joe Biden in a first-person essay for New York Magazine, describing an incident in 2014 where Biden came up behind her, leaned in, smelled her hair, and kissed the back of her head.

“Biden was the second-most powerful man in the country and, arguably, one of the most powerful men in the world. He was there to promote me as the right person for the lieutenant governor job. Instead, he made me feel uneasy, gross, and confused.”

New York Magazine reached out to a Biden spokesperson, who declined to comment.

Flores’s experience isn’t unique. It is no secret in Washington that Biden has touched numerous women inappropriately in public. It’s just never been treated as a serious issue by the mainstream press.

Biden’s been caught on camera embracing a female reporter from behind and gripping her above her waist, just below her bust. At a swearing-in ceremony for Defense Secretary Ash Carter, Biden put his hands on the shoulders of Stephanie Carter, Carter’s wife, and then leaned in and whispered into her ear. (He’s whispered into many women’s ears.) He’s also touched women’s faces and necks during other photo ops. Once at a swearing-in ceremony for a US senator, he held the upper arm of the senator’s preteen daughter, leaned down and whispered into her ear, as she became visibly uncomfortable. Then he kissed the side of her forehead, a gesture that made the girl flinch.

It’s all out in the open. News outlets wrote about these incidents. But the stories ran under light-hearted headlines like, “Photo of famously friendly Joe Biden goes viral” or “Here’s Joe Biden being Joe Biden with Ash Carter’s wife” or “Joe Biden: Sex symbol?,” a piece that I edited and now regret.

Ideological media outlets did write some critical pieces during the Obama era. At the Federalist, Mollie Hemingway questioned whether liberals would tolerate the same conduct from a conservative. At Talking Points Memo, Alana Levinson criticized liberals for giving him a pass.

But, overall, Biden got a pass from the political media.

Times have changed. Reporters now would look twice at a new politician who is handsy on camera. They’d ask questions about it and likely look into his private conduct. And women like Flores are taking big risks and speaking out.

Biden avoided scrutiny in the past, but if he wants to be the next president he’ll face pressure to account for his actions.



If you want to read more, search it out. I will attribute Vox, but I won’t give them clicks.

20 Comments on From Vox- Joe Biden’s got a long history of touching women inappropriately

  1. The asp finds its tail and gobbles it up.

    Hopefully, like the golem when you shove his feet into his mouth and make him eat himself, you end up with nothing but a grease spot.



  3. @ Benito – ‘hand it to him’? Overt pun?

    WHERE THE EFF HAS VOX BEEN and ALL the other outlets??


    We all have seen Creepy Hands Joe for years now.

    ‘Hands’ Biden. He’s DONE.

    H/t – Levin

  4. As if the groping weren’t bad enough he’s also blowing his fetid breath down their necks. The oily smell of mothballs and rotting fish that clings to your clothing for hours afterward. Gag.

  5. Joe BiteMe has always been creepy …

    That said, I also find it hard to believe Ms Flores knew she was going to be speaking to an audience, knew the US-VP was arriving to campaign for her, and didn’t wash her hair?

  6. There is nothing new here. If they are going to hang Biden out to dry because he’s no longer useful to them and want to shut his ego down before it gets a head of steam, that is all well and fine.

    But, the flipside of this story is that the media knew about all of this years ago. Even legislators and people running for office were the victims of his unwanted affections.

    And the media covered it up. Sheltering Biden with one hand while waving their #MeToo signs in the other.

    What did Vox know and when did they know it. NBC? CBS? MSDNC? How many stories did they kill.

    Tank Abrams got the ball rolling when she rejected offers to piggyback off his white privilege. You can be my VP, who I neither asked before floating the idea and didn’t support when you were running for office.

  7. Well, Dang!

    I was hoping the press would keep a lid on this in hopes of Biden becoming prez. No way that would happen anyway, but just think of the fun of the run-up to the vote!!!

    Biden v. D.T., a campaign process with Biden’s tendencies getting full air at a time too late for the dhimmilibprogtards to un-nominate him! 🙂 🙂


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