National File:
In a fiery speech delivered in front of the Georgia State Capitol on Saturday, America First podcast host Nick Fuentes slammed the Republican Party leadership’s complete lack of action on voter fraud even as they are presented with bombshell evidence from the Trump campaign’s team of lawyers.

“I am done being tricked and betrayed and abused by the Republican Party,” launched Fuentes. “The Trump Revolution began in 2016 as a revolution against the Republican Party. The Republican Party, which before stood only for the donors and the special interests.”
Fuentes added that “President Trump fought” the establishment and special forces and “made the Republican Party represent us, the American people,” and that the current fight against the Republican Party’s willingness to let Joe Biden win the election through fraud represents an extension of the same inter-party turmoil.
“Once again we find ourselves fighting the same battle, as President Trump fights for his political life, we look in this state and in this country, the Republican Party is nowhere to be found,” said Fuentes. “Where are the 2024 hopefuls, like Nikki Haley and Ben Sasse and Marco Rubio and Dan Crenshaw? They are nowhere to be found, and it is a disgrace.” more
People are waking up in large numbers.
Shit. I guess I’m old, but I have no idea who Nick Fuentes is or why he’s notable. Is he good with a gun? I ask because in a couple weeks that’s all that will matter.
76 million voters didn’t vote for Republicans, they voted for Donald J. Trump. They can just as easily do to the Legislative branch what they did to the Executive branch: Replace the Status Quo.
P.S. It’s already happening.
I walked away from the Republican Party years ago.
They are expert in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
I want fighters, not appeasers.
Dump the republican party – it’s a bunch of rats. Mcconnell and graham included.
The Trump party is the only one we can trust – he’s the only one we ever voted for that didn’t sell us out. EVER!
The last time I considered myself a ‘Republican,’ I campaigned for Ronald Reagan in ’80 and ’84. It was a decent eight years.
‘Herbert Walker’ ended it for me.
Jimmy, my brother warned me about voting for Bush Sr and I didn’t listen. I listened the second time and voted for Ross Perot. I knew it was a throw away vote, but I just couldn’t vote for the scum…either one. The other scum won.
I did the same in 88 and 92, Claudia! So, we both helped elect Bubba ‘Cheeseburger’ Clinnnnnnnton. 🙂
I love the passion and the boldness Nick Fuentes has for our country. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Fuentes is telling them “that’s the end”.
New Party time but the first attention goes to the vote thieves.
I haven’t given Fuentes much attention, but assessing “Nikki Haley and Ben Sasse and Marco Rubio and Dan Crenshaw” as 2024 hopefuls in the first place might be part of the problem.
Exactly RosalindJ
Nikki Haley?? Never. Same with the others. Another one making 2024 noises that has been quiet is Tom Cotton. I have a long memory boys.
Well this is the week when all of this shit is going to be laid out.
If Trump and his people do indeed have solid proof of massive voting machine fraud – I suspect they do – he has no choice but to declare martial law and call on the citizens to support him, followed by mass arrests and confiscations of all of the assets of those in any way involved or witting of the conspiracy. Of course, the mainstream media will have to be shut down until it can be purged. Trump can’t turn over the government to a gang of criminals and traitors if he knows for a fact what they have done. End of story.
If he has the proof he needs to call the entire Supreme Court to the White House, lay it out, and inform them that they can either approve of his actions as a matter of national security and extreme danger to the republic, or they will find themselves co-conspirators, with all that the status implies. Any other course of action by Trump will constitute not merely cowardice, dereliction of duty, and a violation of his oath of office. It would be outright treason.
If he does not have this proof, but is convinced that the election was stolen, he can roll the dice with martial law or simply depart Washington after laying out his evidence and calling on the American people to refuse to recognize the Biden regime.
The idea of any sort of “unity” or “healing” is, at this point, a joke in very poor taste. This is not a time for the famous “civility” that the Democrats and RINO’s are so eager to shove up our backsides.
Use the power you have Mr President otherwise there will never be an election e can trust. NEVER
If Trump knowingly allows this band of Communists and lunatics to seize power in Washington, he will go down in history as the most despicable figure in American history.
Of course, if Biden did, by chance, win in a legitimate vote, then let the American people drink that cup to the very dregs. Their descendants, if they have any, will curse them forever.
Either way, we’re going to find out soon enough. Such a shame isn’t it?
The two party system isn’t working, its too easy to carry two hats depending on weather conditions.
Ooops I accidentally up voted myself thinking it was the edit button, what happened to that? I wanted to add, h/t Steve.
If the party establishment thinks they’ll get any traction with the likes of Nikki Haley, Sasse, Rubio and Crenshaw they’re just proving how clueless they are.
All at different times twisted the knife in Trump’s back and it’s not likely to be forgotten. Besides that, these clowns are eager compromisers or actually, very easily compromised.
When the dems say “We can work with them” tells you all you need to know.
Read this and tell me HTF and WhyTF aren’t people being arrested right now?
This is so GD blatant, it’s off the charts.
A blind person can see what’s going on. What’s Dan Crenshaw’s problem?
Rage against the machine!
The Rep. party is like Fox News, done like dinner. People need to run as independents across the country and have the people only vote for independents. The Dem & Rino parties end up getting no seats at the table and can go suck a dick.