Fugitive found after 3 years living in a bunker in the woods of Wisconsin – IOTW Report

Fugitive found after 3 years living in a bunker in the woods of Wisconsin

wisn– A Wisconsin fugitive wanted on child sexual assault and child pornography charges hid out for more than three years in a makeshift bunker powered by solar panels and a pedal generator before a hunter stumbled onto him last week, police said.

WSAW-TV reported that several months ago Thomas Nelson, of Wausau, found a bunker with a log door carved into an embankment on state land in the township of Ringle west of Wausau, about 145 miles north of Madison.

He became curious and returned to the bunker on Friday morning to see what was inside.

The door was unlatched so he went inside.

“I pushed the door open, and I look inside and I can see canned foods, there’s little storage boxes, and I’m like … I gotta go in,” Nelson told the television station. “I come around the corner a bit and there he is, laying in his bed. I mean, I was shaking when I went in, I was shaking when I went out.”

He moved away and called police, guiding them to the bunker’s door.

A 20-minute standoff ensued before Button surrendered.

Marathon County Sheriff’s Deputy Matt Kecker said Button seemed almost glad for human interaction.

Kecker said Button told deputies that he had been building the bunker while his case was moving through court, stockpiling it with items he found in the Marathon County landfill.

Sheriff’s Lt. Jeff Stefonek said Button set up solar panels on the bunker’s roof to power LED lights, radios, cooling fans and all manner of electronic equipment.

He also had a pedal-powered generator for cloudy days. The bunker was small enough that it stayed warm in winter and cool in summer.

“He was not only surviving, but thriving in this structure through all of the different supplies he was able to find,” Stefonek said.

video of the bunker HERE

14 Comments on Fugitive found after 3 years living in a bunker in the woods of Wisconsin

  1. I wonder where they find these “news” readers with the grating, near screeching voices who think it is okay to drop their “Ts”…….. bu”on.
    Pervert needs justice.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. You can run but you can’ hide (for long).

    A lesson for survivalists and those extreme “bug out” style preppers.

    There’s a lesson yo be learned in everything, always look for the lesson.


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