Full Measure After Hours: The Coronavirus Labs – IOTW Report

Full Measure After Hours: The Coronavirus Labs

Come with us inside Ft. Detrick, Maryland where U.S. Army researchers are trying to snuff out coronavirus, Ebola and other scourges.

3 Comments on Full Measure After Hours: The Coronavirus Labs

  1. Tonic water and zinc. Squeeze of lime for vitamin C. Ever since this came about that’s what I’m doing. Is it right, beats me. But that’s what I’m doing. So far I’m good.

  2. That’s funny – Ft. Detrick’s where the Army MAKES the bugs!
    THAT’s where the General who ran Japanese bio-weapons (Dr. Ishii, if memory serves) Unit 731 ended up.

    Small world.

    izlamo delenda est …


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