Full-Term Abortion Backer Doug Jones Now Aims to Fool Alabama Voters on Anti-Life Stance – IOTW Report

Full-Term Abortion Backer Doug Jones Now Aims to Fool Alabama Voters on Anti-Life Stance


Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones holds extreme views on abortion that are not in tune with the pro-life state of Alabama, but he’s apparently working to soften them.

In a recent interview with AL.com, Jones walked back his prior comments on abortion in which he refused any restrictions on abortion up until the baby’s day of birth. Now, however, Jones says he wants to “be clear” about his stance on abortion.

Jones told AL.com he was the victim of an “attack” since his MSNBC interview in which he said he becomes a “right-to-lifer” only after a baby is born.

“Those comments, everybody wants to attack you so they are going to make out on those comments what they want to their political advantage,” Jones said, adding:

To be clear, I fully support a woman’s freedom to choose to what happens to her own body. That is an intensely, intensely personal decision that only she, in consultation with her god, her doctor, her partner or family, that’s her choice.

Having said that, the law for decades has been that late-term procedures are generally restricted except in the case of medical necessity. That’s what I support. I don’t see any changes in that. It is a personal decision.

But, that’s not what Jones told MSNBC’s MTP Daily host Chuck Todd in September:    more here

SNIP: Back in October, Doug Jones was ashamed to say he’s from Alabama.

14 Comments on Full-Term Abortion Backer Doug Jones Now Aims to Fool Alabama Voters on Anti-Life Stance

  1. He has openly stated that he supports ‘late term’ abortion. Without further qualification, that would be elective late term abortion. For convenience.
    That is equal to allowing for a thumbs up or thumbs down by the pregnant woman on the delivery table.
    He is evil and evil lies.

  2. Duggie J. was shown a small girl in his arms. He preferred to see her aborted months before so he would not have to pretend that he liked holding small children. Actually he does have a point, his mother should have aborted him right after she became pregnant! End of story.

  3. @just sayin

    You are wrong. I support an organization that helps women choose life. Not all do, and they come in all ages and races.

    I also find your bigotry offensive. We are all children of God, and comments like yours detract from this site.

  4. “the law for decades has been that late-term procedures are generally restricted except in the case of medical necessity. That’s what I support. I don’t see any changes in that. It is a personal decision.”

    So, is it to be legal interference? Or is it to be personal decision? I know, I know, until the election is “counted” the answer is “Both!”. But after that, which is it really really?

  5. Just sayin you are wrong. The saddest thing about white women getting abortions is how many are young teenage girls, often their own mothers forcing them into it. Not all of course and maybe not even a majority, but far too many.
    You’ve obviously never tried to talk to a young white girl considering abortion and felt the heartbreak when she listened to the voices who told her it would be the best thing for her life and no reason to pay for her mistake the rest of her life. Which means you’ve also not talked to those young white girls who learned the hard way they do live with it for the rest of their life and many go through the rest of their life in a deep state of depression, get addicted to drugs and alcohol trying to numb the pain.

    Regardless though of their race or age the babies are all the most innocent being murdered.

  6. Speaking as a pastoral counselor I have seen all races and creeds seek out info on abortion. The saddest thing is to see any young girl’s future taken away by arseho_e boys/men need to pressure and push these girls to sexual activity.

    I blame the fatherless families we have more than anything else because it pushes girls into inappropriate relationships with males long beforethey are ready for it.

    I understand the best way to understand Douggie’s position on abortion is the following statement: “I believe in post-birth abortions.”

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