Fun Game- Find the Old Sears Furniture That Jill Biden’s Wardrobe is Made From – IOTW Report

Fun Game- Find the Old Sears Furniture That Jill Biden’s Wardrobe is Made From

ht/ marco


22 Comments on Fun Game- Find the Old Sears Furniture That Jill Biden’s Wardrobe is Made From

  1. Nothing against the Sears couch but Jill comes with magazine storage and a candle holder reading light to read old fashioned style like Abe Lincoln….Plus, she has a repository for the pistachio shells….

  2. She’s either dressed like a hooker, copying Big Mike’s missmatched buffoon wardrobe, plus boob belt or poorly imitating the classic and high fashion style of First Lady Melania Trump.
    “Dr.” Jill has zero class. Her wardrobe is laughable.

  3. An aging corrupt slut who’s joined at the hip with a potato.
    And someone expected class?

    She dresses like something out of a Louisiana swamp trailer/fan-boat park (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I will say, that the Republican women are the best dressed classiest women than Dims. It all started with the Mooche and her ridiculous wardrobe. I was embarrassed for America. Their WH portrait was telling, we made fun of it forever and it’s still being made fun of. Melania IMHO was the classiest first lady ever.


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