“Fun Home” Should Have Been Titled “I Don’t Want to Know” – IOTW Report

“Fun Home” Should Have Been Titled “I Don’t Want to Know”

Among the items on the reading list for incoming Duke freshmen was the lesbian graphic novel “Fun Home.”  Brian Grasso has written an essay on why he found the work pornographic and his reasoning for refusing to view the material.

Fun Home

One has to question the educational value of assigning something so obviously obscene.


Some commenters are accusing the young man of being closed minded and violating the principle of the free exchange of ideas that is the modern university.

I would have to question the University’s commitment to respecting the values and beliefs of all students if this individual is punished for refusing to comply with this assignment and expressing his reasons why.

14 Comments on “Fun Home” Should Have Been Titled “I Don’t Want to Know”

  1. I don’t understand how liberals can conduct their lives with their anything goes, no code of conduct or honor and call it a lifestyle.

    How do they measure their lives and does anything pass as unacceptable or obscene.

    What will they think of their lives on their death beds?

  2. They always confuse license with liberty. Morbid self indulgent destruction with art.

    They will defend to the last ditch their “right” to engage in the most degenerate / degrading of behavior, but curse and try to destroy those who would question the propriety of such behavior and the morality of that life style.

    Leftist never want to face any consequences for their actions or accept that there are such things as unforeseen circumstances when reality tears the living hell out of their constructed reality.

    They are the most miserable, addled brain human beings to ever walk the earth and they expect everyone else to make it right for them to have their way in everything.

  3. The book addresses themes of sexual orientation, gender roles, suicide, emotional abuse, dysfunctional family life

    Why is family life ALWAYS dysfunctional for the brain-dead, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, libtards? I wonder if they ever think their family is NORMAL but what makes it dysfunctional is THEIR irrational belief in some bizarre lifestyle? Maybe if they gave up the liberal degenerate lifestyle and returned to normality, their family wouldn’t have to suffer their stupidity.

  4. I applaud this young man for guarding his own mind and heart. I have told my kids to steer clear of this kind of stuff. Once you’ve read it and the images created by the words are in your head, you can never get them out. It’s like an infection of filth. There is no socially redeeming value, no matter how many stupid book awards the (dirty, deviant) author has won.

  5. Are those cartoon characters supposed to be lesbians?
    Entirely to attractive and thin, this is a false ideal of the lesbian body!
    Is the author admitting feminist are all butch?

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