Funeral! – IOTW Report


19 Comments on Funeral!

  1. After my mother died. A couple days later a florist deliveryman walk up to my door carrying a flower arrangement with two balloons attached.

    I was speechless. People were that stupid 25 years ago.

  2. Reminded me of that obituary that was on the “news” some time ago: “he lived 29 years longer than expected and much longer than he deserved,”

  3. This must be what happens when the Casket Cartel is broken up. Coincidentally, I heard an ad on the radio yesterday for an outfit called “Funeralocity”. Like “Travelocity” for dead people, I guess.

  4. This would be for me. Have a bit of fun, try to laugh a few times a day, make someone else smile once in a while, and get on with your life and enjoy it. There’s also a lot of nonconformist in the idea; yep, that would fit me to a T.

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