Funniest International Quote of the Day – IOTW Report

Funniest International Quote of the Day

Emmanuel Macron says France is on ‘the verge of a great renaissance.’

Yes, because the first word I think of when I think of Islam is renaissance.

What a moron.

18 Comments on Funniest International Quote of the Day

  1. How about cult of death that destroys anything and everything in its path. I mean look at the wonders of countries like Saudi Arabia and Yemen, which is where liberals go every winter on vacation to enjoy the nice weather.

  2. Maybe something like Islam infects civilizations across the universe and they destroy themselves, and that is why we have seen no other civilizations out there.

  3. Islam has an endless appeal to the inner swine of its believers. How many bloody massacres will it take for the French to wake up to the cult of death that resides within their country? This is going to end in an uncivil war that is going to engulf all of Western Europe. They can look the other way and they can put it off for a few more years, but eventually they will have to confront the reality that it’s time to take back France from the Mohammedans.

  4. If they only had those weapons they dropped the last time they were invaded.
    Oh yeah, they are fromage surrender frogs, never-mind.
    Next thing you know the Eiffel Tower will be broadcasting call to ‘preyers’.

  5. Because the French are surrender monkeys, that is why Islam is invading. It’s the easy way to gain a permanent foothold in Europe.
    Hopefully, Trump will say “not this time” when the leftists scream for rescue. One big nuke, maybe, but that’s all.

  6. @Marco May 14, 2017 at 11:08 am

    > They can look the other way and they can put it off for a few more years, but eventually they will have to confront the reality that it’s time to take back France from the Mohammedans.

    So the warm-up is Muslims killing Progs. And the main event is Progs killing Muslims. And if there’s an encore, it’ll involve Progs, and Muslims, and possibly Matt Damon. Yeah, um, parking’s prolly gonna’ be bad. And there might be a Stooge-a-Palooza rerun. Or a nap.

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