Funny and Interesting Question – IOTW Report

Funny and Interesting Question

39 Comments on Funny and Interesting Question

  1. 1 an endless loop tape of John Lennon’s song Imagine 2 Dr. Fauci to constantly remind them of some deadly disease they need to take precautions for and 3 a copy of Rules For Radicals by Saul Alinski, it’s their holy gospel you know. Personally I wish they’d take joey, Dr. Fauci and shrillary and slick willie with them just because.

  2. It’s a trick question because the liberal would never nake it to the island, they’re incapable of doing anything for themselves so they’d drown complaing that Government didn’t save them due to systemic racism.

    Unfortunately, when other liberals heard about it, they would claim it was due to White Supremacist unvaxxed Trump supporters with nooses and start burning down businesses in other people’s neighborhoods that have nothing to do with any of the foregoing.

  3. Well their iPhone 13 Pro for sure – how else would they be able to interact with social media?
    But they would forget to bring a charger, so if they were stuck for more than a day they would die of social starvation.

  4. If they DID somehow wash up on an island, they would want a mask, someone else’s money, and a Democrat Leader to tell them its someone else’s fault, and never realize that all three of these things are as useless on an island as they themselves are.

  5. They could travel light. For them to be sustained and content I think three things are all they need.

    Others rights they usurped.

    Others liberties they have deprived.

    Others wealth they have stolen under color of law.

  6. 1. Phone
    2. xBox
    3. TV

    If they are stranded, it must be a deserted island. Therefore, no electricity.

    When they realized there was nowhere to plug in their chargers, they would search for a safe place to cry and wail. Then they would be eaten by a wild animal.

    Can we send all of our lefties there???

  7. Claudia
    DECEMBER 19, 2021 AT 1:43 PM
    “1. Phone
    2. xBox
    3. TV

    If they are stranded, it must be a deserted island. Therefore, no electricity.

    When they realized there was nowhere to plug in their chargers, they would search for a safe place to cry and wail. Then they would be eaten by a wild animal.”

    …Lady C, here’s a video on that very thing, they can do both at the same time!

  8. A mirror. Leftists need someone to constantly harrass with their insane, narcissistic, Marxist doctrine even if it’s their own reflection.

    A megaphone. To amplify corny protest chants. “Hey, hey, ho, ho. Capitalist pigs have got to go!” Leftists need to hear the sound of their own voice as loudly as possible.

    A hazmat suit. Leftists are insecure, brainwashed wimps. They believe the Covid monster is everywhere. Who knows, a racist antivaxxer might end up on the same island.

    Pity anyone who might attempt to rescue a Leftist from an island. They would regret it.

  9. A cell phone with a low battery because they like the kind of phones you can touch to someone else’s and steal their power from.
    Sunblock because it’s like “an island” and there’s are going to be a beach somewhere.
    And a mask because you’ve got to be safe with the COVID still raging.

  10. Libs never think things through.

    I know what I’d take.

    1) Ballistic cruise missile with multiple thermonuclear warheads.
    2) skittles
    3) Bible

    I figure everything will work itself out. What with me having a Bible and all.


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