Funny, I’m thinking of it as a re-birthstone – IOTW Report

Funny, I’m thinking of it as a re-birthstone


  • A granite tombstone bearing Donald Trump’s name that police confiscated in Central Park months ago is now on display at a Brooklyn gallery
  • The year of Trump’s birth and the words ‘Made America Hate Again’ also are chiseled into the 500-pound slab
  • Artist Brian Andrew Whiteley said he created it to remind the Republican presidential nominee that he has ‘stirred the pot of racism, anger and fear’

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13 Comments on Funny, I’m thinking of it as a re-birthstone

  1. Brian Andrew Whiteley, you apparently are part of the problem. It wasn’t Trump that has been office the last 8 years. Pretty sure that it wasn’t Trump that was Sec of State, nor was he head of the DOJ, the IRS, the TSA, the FBI, the EPA, the HUD nor both flavors of the BLM. I think the only pot stirring going on is the cronic in your bong.
    Trump says to make America Great Again. It is the libtards that over the last 8 years of Hopey Changey that has made America hate again. Also, last time i checked, it wasn’t white conservatives burning cities, rioting in the streets, setting off pressure cooker bombs, shooting, stabbing, beheading and/or doing other forms of tom-foolery in the name of some pedophile called Mohammad or ex Nazi named Soros.

  2. People think that the opposite of love or compassion is hate. The opposite of those emotions is indifference. I am indifferent to the complaints of many of my fellow Americans. They have shown me their true colors, and our core values are very different.

    That doesn’t equal…hate.

  3. Fur — You’re right and you have figured out the art of the deal. Trump never stops leveraging, he never stops making lemonade out of lemons, which is just a simpler way of describing: Military Maneuvers (Chinese: 軍爭,军争) explains the dangers of direct conflict and how to win those confrontations when they are forced upon the commander. ~Summary of the Art of War, WikiP.

    It’s no accident Trump named his book after the famous Sun Tzu. The Progtards are too stupid to see beyond the end of their arrogant noses and are proud of their ignorance of history. Well, they can’t revise a history that informs the rest of us! LOL!

    Just look at this past week’s Cuban/Flowers/Broderick campaign. The stupid Killery thought she could lob a surprise grenade into what she thought was a defenseless Trump foxhole. Though he wasn’t thinking about such a tactic, he picked up their weapon and threw it back with even more precision and devastation than any results the Killery forces would have derived from their exceedingly vague Mark Cuban attack (Unless Mrs. Trump raped Cuban and we don’t know about it.).

  4. AA, Hillary is going after Trump’s business dealings whenever she can in the debate. Her earpearl is going to be streaming stuff like this…

    “His campaign said, let’s sell off America’s assets. Where do we start, the Statue of Liberty? These bad ideas just keep coming.”

    “And he wants to wipe out the tough rules we put on big banks after the financial crisis. He’d rig the economy for Wall Street all over again. So we shouldn’t be surprised. Of course he’d be for protecting a system where the rich and powerful stick it to everybody else. He got rich playing by those rules and he wants to keep it that way.”

    “He says he’s a businessman, and this is what businessmen do. Well, as CNN has pointed out, no major company in America has filed Chapter 11 more often in the last 30 years than Trump’s casinos.”

    Trump needs to go back and look at that Atlantic City speech. That is the toughest stuff she can throw at Trump without dipping into her basket.

  5. Quoting the blind cunt Cankles…“His campaign said, let’s sell off America’s assets. Where do we start, the Statue of Liberty?” Clinton sold off to the highest bidders our national security, putting lives of our personnel in danger while pretending she was ducking bullets. “And he wants to wipe out the tough rules we put on big banks after the financial crisis. He’d rig the economy for Wall Street all over again.” NO he will go after your Clinton Cartel and banks. That, Missy, is what has you shitting your depends. Any banks deeply in the pockets of New World Order should be shut down and assets confiscated. ““He says he’s a businessman, and this is what businessmen do.” Bankruptcies by EF HUTTON, TWA, GENERAL FOODS, GENERAL MOTORS, CHRYSLER CORPORATION, COMPAQ, PAYNE-WEBBER, MCI WORLD COM, EASTERN AIRLINES, ENRON, WOOLWORTHS, PAN AM, PULLMAN CO., STANDARD OIL are but a few. Yet, CNN says no major company in America has filed Chapter 11 more in the last 30 years than Trump’s casinos. No, the Demonrats had their impact on the bankruptcies. Your experience in business is only involving Foundation Cartels, Murder, Espionage, Drug Running, Selling arms to our enemies, Fomenting the pot of insurrection in the Middle East and here in America, Dividing citizens by promoting racism, and other Crimes of Treason against our country. Keep talking Hillary, the noose is tightening around your saggy neck.

  6. @Thirdtwin — Trump has been the target of all the things you quote and he’s still putting the screws to Killery while spending 1/36th of her outlay for the trouble. This will be the first race in a long time (ever?) where the D’s cost per vote is going negative. I have no doubt he will turn every one of her attacks into an opportunity to talk about her fraud and failures. And, unlike Romney who allowed Crowley to play defense for obama, Trump will win more hearts, minds and votes by exposing any moderator shenanigans for what they are. It wouldn’t break my heart, either, if Trump were to ask, “What is that in your ear, Hillary?”

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