Future Greta – IOTW Report

Future Greta

14 Comments on Future Greta

  1. She looks like Hillary’s hillbilly cousin.

    Uh-oh, is that classist? Culturalist? Demographicalist? Criminy, it’s hard to keep these PC epithets straight.

  2. I’ll be 100 in 2065 and still look better than that! EVEN as a spooky ghost…

    @chuffed – nice to see you back…hope things sorted out ok…

    One of my mentors passed away a few days ago and so life goes…

  3. She’s a child actor — the only “real” thing about her. And her absentee mother wants to blame all her offsprings’ neuroses on the climate. That’s a good one. (But every single Progtard parent I’ve ever met has a family of kids who are “learning challenged”, allergic to everything under the sun, have eating disorders, and have an entourage of doctors and alternative therapies that would choke a horse. No kidding, their kids are afraid of the elastic in their underwear!)

  4. Gee Abigail, whutta Co-inky Dink, uh? Great observation!
    Most kids, like us, who’s parents introduced us to the concept of time travel, grew up pretty normal.
    By time travel I’m referring to: “If you don’t straighten up, I’m going to knock you into the middle of next week!”

    Oh yeah, and we also knew about the Circle of Life before the Lion King:
    “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.”


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