FY Brandon – IOTW Report

FY Brandon

8 Comments on FY Brandon

  1. I listened to a great interview with Steven Moore the other day and he said it plain and simple. He said, “The end of Title 42 is the end of America as we know it. The flood of illegals will change America forever.” He also said that it took California 30 years to get to where they are now, and it will take the rest of the USA a few months to be in the same situation.
    I keep thinking that we’re all waiting for the bat signal to appear in the sky that says, “IT IS TIME” and we’ll all wake up and do something to take our country back, but I think it’s too late.

  2. How Goddamn stupid does a person have to be to buy into the premise that America is systemically racist against people who are charging the border like they won the lottery.

  3. It’s over folks.Your country is GONE.
    I am glad I am 69 now and it is all down hill.
    Had a good life because of good ole USA. She
    be dead now……If you are a white child GOD HELP YOU!
    There will be nothing left for you but debt and poverty.


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