GA Senate Chairman’s Warns Election Results ‘Untrustworthy,’ Demands Forensic Audit – IOTW Report

GA Senate Chairman’s Warns Election Results ‘Untrustworthy,’ Demands Forensic Audit

National Pulse:

The Chairman of Georgia’s Election Law Study subcommittee of the Standing Senate Judiciary Committee cautioned that the election’s “reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy” and recommended the state rescind its electors and conduct a forensic audit.

The 15-page report, authored by Chairman William Ligon, details the oral testimony heard by the committee regarding election fraud, irregularities, and errors – virtually all of which boosted Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

In short, he summarizes: “the November 3, 2020 election was chaotic and the results cannot be trusted.”

In addition to recommending transparent election measure, Ligon also recommends “forensic audits of ballots and machines” and rescinding the state’s electors: more

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