Gabbard: Biden Insults US Soldiers During Debate – IOTW Report

Gabbard: Biden Insults US Soldiers During Debate

16 Comments on Gabbard: Biden Insults US Soldiers During Debate

  1. Thirdtwin
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 8:24 AT 8:24 AM
    “Joe forgot all about those 13 soldiers who died on his watch, Richard. He was too busy checking his watch.”

    …apparently he doesnt remember seeing the flag-draped coffins coming off the planes, or when, or why. Doesnt remember meeting with Gold Star families so he could tell them about Beau. Doesnt remember being briefed on their deaths as they happened or any of the press coverage of America shamimg herself before the world.

    Pedo doesnt remember much, does he?

    …not even the year his vaunted and celebrated Beau died, or under what circumstances.

    Might be a kindness to remind him of all this, and more.

    At the foot of the gallows hes so justly earned…

  2. Could she be an American Joan of Arc? We’ll have to wait and see what happens. But knowing the left they will burn her or worse (and Trump as well) at the stake just like the English did to Joan after the French King (dauphin) and the religious establishment betrayed Joan of Arc.

  3. geoff – Keith is one pathetic, shoe-licking, knob-polishing, angry, overstuffed, ignorant, bug-eyed demented loser! How he earns a paycheck is beyong my comrehension!

  4. Marooned
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 11:18 AT 11:18 AM
    “Biden insulted God during the debate:”

    …not that everything the pedo does and says isnt a walking insult to God, but I think his raping children alone is probably enough to buy his ticket on the Southbound and Down, the rest is just reprobate gravy…

    ” It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
    Luke 17:2

  5. I had already turned off the TV when Biden said that. What a POS.

    I am glad Gabbard is done with the Dims. She was the only one that I was worried about 4 years ago.


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