Gabby Giffords in Newtown Supporting Same Background Check Her Attacker Passed – IOTW Report

Gabby Giffords in Newtown Supporting Same Background Check Her Attacker Passed

On October 15, gun control proponent Gabby Giffords was in Newtown, Connecticut, pushing the same background check her attacker passed to acquire his handgun.

Breitbart: The Hartford Courant reports that Gabby Giffords was in Newtown to support Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Representative Elizabeth Etsy (D-CT-5), both of whom are pushing to expand retail background checks to include private sales. Giffords spoke to “a small group of supporters,” saying, “Stopping gun violence takes courage, the courage to do what’s right. I’ve seen great courage when my life was on the line. Now is the time to come together, be responsible, Democrats, Republicans, everyone. We must never stop fighting.”

Breitbart News previously reported that Giffords’s attempted assassin — Jared Loughner — passed a background check to acquire the Glock he used to shoot her on January 8, 2011.  MORE

15 Comments on Gabby Giffords in Newtown Supporting Same Background Check Her Attacker Passed

  1. Background checks are called background checks cuz they look back. Not into the future. What she really wants is a friggin Crystal Ball. One that only predicts if somebody is gonna shoot somebody. Not if somebody is gonna run arms to our enemies or drown a guy or fake a mugging and kill a guy or……………

  2. “One that only predicts if somebody is gonna shoot somebody”

    Oh, a psych exam. Goody. Certified sane by a gov certified psych doc. I think that’s where they are headed.

  3. A background check to exercise a G-D given right. What part of infringe do they not understand? A mentally disturbed,but never diagnosed individual has a clean background. If your going to checks they should be conducted by local law enforcement. Since they would be most able to interview an applicants friends and neighbors. This may still pose problems but in many cases would be a better system.

  4. I wonder what Judge Roll (the Republican friend) would have to say about this? Oh He can’t, Nobody remembers he was Murdered at the same event.
    Th freaking Media just ignored it.

    Annie Go Trump

  5. Does anyone care what this drooling, fucktarded moron has to say? I guess it’s a good thing she got shot in the brain, a part of her body which she doesn’t use. Hell, even the rotting corpses shuffling around in ‘The Walking Dead’ are taken out by a head shot.

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