Gaetz Gets It – IOTW Report

Gaetz Gets It

Many fans of Donald Trump are anxious to see him back in the White House.

At least one of his most ardent supporters, however, has another powerful D.C. position in mind.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) recently reiterated his plan to nominate Trump for speaker of the House of Representatives if the GOP regains control of the chamber after the upcoming midterms.

8 Comments on Gaetz Gets It

  1. More than one way to skin a cat. Right now the presidential order of succession is VP, then Speaker of the House. Right now Nancy is Speaker.
    Make it Trump and take the country back.

  2. Using the old bombardier analogy,”You know you are over the target by the amount of flak you are getting”, the time, effort, and energy the other side is using to go after the like of Gaetz, MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Gov. DeSantis, you know they are the relevant folks on our side and the ones the other side fear most.

  3. So glad you posted this, Fur! I read about this a couple days ago and have been wondering what others here thought about it. Personally, I don’t think it will fly but you just never know. It would be a lot of fun and we sure need some of that!

  4. W A Root started this about 3 or 4 months ago and I loved the idea. He ran it by DJT and Trump didn’t seem to keen on it. Now? He says interesting and that my friends is an understatement.

  5. Not to burst any bubbles but Pigloise wants a bill that states the Speaker of the House has to come from the House. That would take a change to the constitution, that would take years and never happen.
    I for one would love to see him riding herd over the house.

  6. A cute stunt. And conservatives are all about stunts.

    Here’s the thing: Speaker of The House is third in line to Presidential succession. But only in the extreme corner case that the first two are removed simultaneously. And Trump will be kept “on Elba” by the very same troops that are keeping the first two in the palaces. He won’t be going anywhere. By design. Conservative design.

    Of course, as Speaker, he can be blamed for the inability of conservatives to implement their “agenda”. The one to roll back a century of communism. That they’ve never had enough time for. In a century. So, at least, there’s that.

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