Gaetz says if McCarthy makes deal with Democrats for temporary funding, he cannot be GOP speaker – IOTW Report

Gaetz says if McCarthy makes deal with Democrats for temporary funding, he cannot be GOP speaker


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) says that Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca.) cannot continue to be the GOP House Speaker if he makes a deal with Democrats regarding spending bills. 

“If Kevin McCarthy uses Democrat votes in the House of Representatives to advance Joe Biden’s spending priorities, he cannot remain as the Republican speaker,” Gaetz said on the Wednesday edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. 

“Maybe he could remain as the Democrat speaker or as a speaker that oversees some sort of coalition of Republicans and Democrats,” Gaetz added. “But if you want to be the Republican Speaker, you definitely cannot use Democrats to preserve your power and to advance Joe Biden’s spending priorities.” more

13 Comments on Gaetz says if McCarthy makes deal with Democrats for temporary funding, he cannot be GOP speaker

  1. “Time for brad to bash Gaetz.”

    An idiot and a coward. I bash them all. The border is still wide open. There’s a coup trying to destroy our country and their puppet figure head is still president. Where’s the investigation into the origins of COVID. I could go on. Every single last one of them is worthless. And you are a moron.

  2. McCarthy is the understudy of Boehner and Ryan.
    Pelosi, Boehner, Ryan and McCarthy advance the establishment Bureaucracy at the expense of future generations.
    Gaetz get ready to bend over, like the rest of us.
    You can’t trust McCarthy, he’s proven that.

  3. The Freedom Caucus supposedly built in a fail-safe rule to oust McCarthy if he didn’t live up to his promise to them when they agreed to support his Speakership.

    They didn’t use it the first time they caught him lying and at that moment, he knew that they were too chicken to actually do it. He’s been screwing them and us ever since.

    I knew he would turn on them, but I had hoped that the Freedom Caucus would do what they said. Now we know that none of them, even the most loud and sternly worded speech/letter won’t change a thing.

    Until they DO something about Biden and his handlers, we are on our own. I still have hope that God will have mercy on us if there are enough Christians that are praying.

  4. The Freedom Caucus are Grand-standers. They stomp their feet and pound their fists and they never accomplish jack shit. Their just as worthless as the rest of them they’re just better at voicing what we want to hear.

  5. The Freedom caucus represent the minority of Republicans compared to the RINOs. Due to their voiced concerns, committee assignments in Leadership positions are few.
    I stomp my feet, pound my fists and write sternly written letters to the same traitorist bastards who are in Washington DC to supposedly represent conservative principles they promised when campaigning for the office.
    All I get are Bullshit form letters created by some staff member telling me my opinion is appreciated, but essentially they’ll study the issue and make a decision (generally voting the way RINO McCarthy tells them to). Representative government? Not really.

  6. After McCarthy spreads his own ass cheeks, he’ll pack sand up America’s ass and spread those cheeks, too.
    Watch. And See.

    No budget. No Nothing. Gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, and wringing of hands – then the inevitable capitulation – “iz fo da l’il chillens!”

    For pity’s sake – the RINOs are in on the take!

    Watch. And See. Then promptly forget – shit! there’s a game on TV!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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