Gaige, gunshot victim, regrets not being able to kill ‘Rittenhouse’ – IOTW Report

Gaige, gunshot victim, regrets not being able to kill ‘Rittenhouse’

So, he admits he was going to be judge, jury and executioner. In other words, a FASCIST.

ht/ hot salsa

53 Comments on Gaige, gunshot victim, regrets not being able to kill ‘Rittenhouse’

  1. Ha! He gets to wipe his ass with his other hand now,not fun.Oh and brush your teeth with that weak hand first it gets messy.One more thing,you now will have to learn to write left handed also ,brand new signature,better get that changed on all legal documents,bank drivers licence etc.

  2. I think it was Virgil Earp who received a similar wound during the gun fight at the OK Corral. They saved his arm too, except it was useless and bent in every direction at the elbow. He spent his remaining years freaken people the F out.

    I don’t think this clown has learned his lesson.

  3. …so who’s paying THAT doctor bill? Insurance companies won’t usually pay for crap you do to yourself by engaging in lawless activities, and they get SUPER nosy when there’s weapons involved…

  4. His statement contributes to Rittenhouse’s defense as being he acted in self defense and gives grounds for attempted murder charges against himself.

    FWIW, wonder if he is a felon or other prohibited person that shouldn’t have had that gun in the first place or would need a carry permit if he was legally allowed to have it and carry it with him?

  5. Rittenhouse is a cool customer. Never got flustered.

    I doubt the guy wants a rematch. I had a reputation for being a BAMF when I was younger. A lot of that came from me saying: Win, Lose or Draw, I will be happy to take up where we left off and the son of a bitch I just fought will never want another piece of me. Have a cousin who was the same. Nobody ever came back for a second helping.

  6. Every ‘protester’ there was only there to inflict pain on other people.

    That’s what makes Kyle Rittenhouse so special. He was willing to put his life on the line to protect innocent people and their property.

    I have such huge respect for him.

  7. He’s being comforted by his revolutionary butt buddy. How sweet!

    If this revolution is supposed to have a color, it would be a mix of lavender, red, and green. Ugh!

  8. Gaige is a pussy, talks bullshit after the fact.

    Rittenhouse is a bad ass.
    When threaten and forced to defend his own life
    He took aim and shot to kill without hesitation.

    Again, Gaige still a pussy, talks the talk after the fact but doesn’t walk the walk.

  9. Most people have no idea how difficult it is to keep you head in a life or death situation like this, much less accurately aim and discharge a weapon on someone trying to kill you.

    This kid had the presence of mind to head shoot, center mass, and wing three men and clear a jammed weapon in mere seconds.

    Damned impressive for a 17 year old kid. Dumbshit commie bastard should keep running his mouth about his intent as he is building the defense for the kid.

  10. Rittenhouse will likely be found not guilty. One more thing to piss off the rioters, make them up their game of trying to destroy everything, and lead to the utter defeat of Bumblefuck Joe Biden and eventually the demise of antifa and BLM.

    Good thing it happened the way it did.

  11. Even though the Doctors saved 30 (hair thin wire) Gaige’s arm,
    I hope he lost the use of that arm.

    Two things I would have advised Rittenhouse in advance:
    1)Have a trusted buddy to have your “six”
    2)Keep your back to a wall – harder for anyone to attack you from behind.

  12. Young Kyle needs some friends to help watch over his family. We all know how these shitsacks think. I am sorry for the vulgarities, but it is the insultuous intent.

  13. Yea, he just gave Rittenhouse’s defense the key evidence. Intent. He intended to kill him and wants to again.

    Him and his fat fuck buddy can pose for internet points but the good guy is going to win this one in criminal court and civil.

  14. Patient refuses to learn from experience. Check.

    Does the hospital staff believe they wasted resources saving this patient’s life? Yes

    Plan of action if he returns to the ER needing medical attention in the future.
    Leave him ass till last, until there is nothing else to do.

  15. I had a friend who thought 30-30’s were bad ass rounds for hunting back in the day. He wasn’t familiar with the .223 round back then. I went with him to his hunting lease one day and invited him to shoot my Mini-14. He saw an armadillo in the bushes and shot it. When he checked it out he scoffed at the tiny hole it made until I flipped the hapless critter over. The other side had been completely blown away as if a grenade had exploded in it. My friend became a fan of the .223 that day.


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