Gallup Poll finds climate a non issue: Just 2% of Americans cite climate change as ‘most important problem’ – IOTW Report

Gallup Poll finds climate a non issue: Just 2% of Americans cite climate change as ‘most important problem’

Climate Depot

Gallup asked Americans in March 2021: “What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today?” 

2% of Americans responded:  “Environment/Pollution/Climate change” (See chart below) Also note that Gallup Polls have found that climate change has historically ranked lowest among all environmental concerns.

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16 Comments on Gallup Poll finds climate a non issue: Just 2% of Americans cite climate change as ‘most important problem’

  1. From what the idiot from CNN who was caught telling the secret video interview that Climate Change is there next agenda!! And many are falling for it. So sad.

    God Bless us all!

  2. 𝓒𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂, Being that the china virus is another part of government, you can add the first two columns together and call it government.

    I catch people allll the time say, “..But then covid hit,” and I correct them and say, “you mean to say ‘the government’s response to the china virus’.”

  3. Just because 2% of the folks think “climate” is the MOST important issue does not mean that they don’t care of think about climate. Hell, I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, like when are we going to get some damn rain. This drought is going to be very painful and onerous on California. And before you say ,”that’s your guy’s problem”, when half the state burns down this summer, Newsom will be going to the Federal government for relief, your tax dollars. And because California feeds the nation (the 5th largest economy in the world) you will also be effected in scarcity of produce or paying double for what you can get.

    But it really doesn’t matter, 2% or even lower, The Green New Deal is at the fore front of the dem agenda and they have the votes so they will ram it through regardless of the collateral damage that ensues.

  4. Climate Change (TM) is a ma$$ive i$$ue. Just a$k Algore. In fact it is such a ma$$ive i$$ue that steps must be taken even if Congress won’t take them.
    People stand to lose ma$$ive profit$, dammit!!! Important people! Connected people!

  5. How dare they! Oh wait, I’m not a homely, stupid little depresso, never did anything in her life yet, teenager who has a face everyone would like to slap.

  6. It’s weather, it changes, always has, and no amount of tax dollars are going to affect the energy coming from the Sun.
    Unless some moron like Bill Gates succeeds in doing something incredibly stupid.
    The question is, what’s a bigger hoax; AGW or CCPbug?


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