NY: Garbagemen trashed in Brooklyn road rage attack – IOTW Report

NY: Garbagemen trashed in Brooklyn road rage attack

DNNY: Two on-duty city garbagemen ended up hauling a bunch of bruises and a split lip after they were attacked by three men accusing the sanitation workers of cutting them off with their garbage truck on a Brooklyn street, officials said Thursday.

The two san men, ages 53 and 39, were on their route along Highland Place near Ridgewood Ave. in Cypress Hills at about 5:40 p.m. Wednesday when a white van stopped short near their truck.

“Why the f–k did you cut me off?” one of the men yelled as the trio attacked the two city employees.

At least one of the attackers was armed with brass knuckles, a police source said.  read more

9 Comments on NY: Garbagemen trashed in Brooklyn road rage attack

  1. Ha! Being in jail IS the desire of many. But to stay!

    I was leaving visiting hours at the local county jail (long timers have heard my story here) and as we were waiting for the elevator, a black man lamented how they gots it good in here and he wished he was in jail.

    Why? I asked. “Three meals a day, a place to stay, medical attention.”

    But you wouldn’t have any freedom.

    “That’s ok. It’s hard to get by on the street. I don’t need that freedom”

    I could only shake my head. Yeah. The government has created the gimme free shit crowd so much, people don’t even want to try or even succeed at all. Too much work when you can get it all for free. It’s all they know how to do.

    Hey, if they don’t want to work and the gov is alright with supporting them, then working and not paying taxes is a step up and should be ok. At least you’re not a burden to others like the gimme crowd is.

  2. “Hey, if they don’t want to work and the gov is alright with supporting them, then working and not paying taxes is a step up and should be ok. At least you’re not a burden to others like the gimme crowd is.”

    But we still are forced to pay for the chosen livelihood of both.

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