Garland Tries to Reassure the Nation that He and His DOJ Aren’t a Bunch of Political Hacks – IOTW Report

Garland Tries to Reassure the Nation that He and His DOJ Aren’t a Bunch of Political Hacks

The Hill

Attorney General Merrick Garland plans to call out “dangerous and outrageous” attacks on the Justice Department and its workforce as the nation’s U.S. attorneys gather in Washington.

The address—to be delivered department-wide—commends their “ironclad commitment to the principles of fairness and impartiality” as he describes unprecedented threats made against the Justice Department. More

23 Comments on Garland Tries to Reassure the Nation that He and His DOJ Aren’t a Bunch of Political Hacks

  1. Garland and his politically appointed hacks have prostituted the rule of law at every opportunity. Manufactured and withholding evidence has nothing to do with the “Rule of Law”.
    Equal Justice has become a cliché, a common expression that no longer has any meaning near the truth.

  2. Why is it ALWAYS opposite day with the leftist twigs. I suppose they believe they have created enough idiots with permanent blinders on in order to remain in power.

    We shall see.

  3. When your entire life is based on lies, WTF is the average person to believe??

    Are we to believe you had an epiphany and came to God for repentance and to make America better???

    The odds for that seem quite low.

  4. Tell me all about “fairness and impartiality” with the J6 political prisoners, the murder of Ashley Babbitt, the murder of LaVoy Finicum, the murder of Vicki Weaver, the murders of 86 men, women, and children in Waco, Tx, and the political prosecutions and persecutions, as well as the attempt on the life of President Trump.

    Garland is a fucking filthy, lying, conniving, duplicitous, treasonous sack of monkey shit.
    Some day he will plunge into the depths of Hell where he will receive his rewards.

    May God have mercy on his soul.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Has Garland forgotten that the FBI, ATF, DEA, Bureau of Prisons, Office of the Inspector General, Office of the Pardon Attorney, Justice Management Division, Office of the Solicitor General, Executive Office for Immigration Review, Civil Rights Division, Civil Division, Antitrust Division, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Office of Justice Programs;
    Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Tax Division, Community Relations Service and Office for Access to Justice are appointees that recommend Judicial action, regulations and dispense grant moneys?

    Equal Justice, integrity, professionalism have nothing to do with how the Department of Justice makes decisions.

  6. Just watched this on Newsmax. Still trying to get my blood pressure down. What he said was he’s coming after us. And cried like a little bitch at the end to make sure we all believed he was on his sacred path. This weak piece of shit really needs to be subjected to a jury of our peers. He defines weak. And he’s one of the reasons why we are we are at as a nation right now.

  7. “… “dangerous and outrageous” attacks on the Justice Department …”

    If the “attacks” were false you wouldn’t have to address them, you could laugh at them and allow the record to speak for itself – just go fully transparent (not gonna happen).

    “Methinks the prick protests too much …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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