Garrison Not Taking It Well – IOTW Report

Garrison Not Taking It Well


Talk about woebegone, Garrison Keillor penned a sad and pathetic piece for the Washington Post lately that’s an embarrassing diatribe about his fellow Midwesterners and his own party.


Trump’s America – Where the men aren’t confused about their gender, the women are able to take care of themselves and the children aren’t fooled by leftist propaganda.

33 Comments on Garrison Not Taking It Well

  1. Just living in the Midwest does not make one a Midwesterner. Keillor is a displaced Northeast/West Coast Marxist, plain and simple. I tried to read Lake Woebegon Days many years ago, but couldn’t get more than a few pages in. I’ve only had that happen a couple times in my entire life. (Electric Koolade Acid Test was anther example.)

  2. With any luck for the rest of his life the White House will be occupied by alpha male heterosexuals. It is a proven fact that sad sacks have a shorter lifespan and TRUMP is doing all he can to help millions of liberals along to their final destination. (Although Obolocare had done a lot in that regard.)

  3. I’m at my lake home house in Lake Woebegone territory right now.
    Not everyone here has a Harvard degree, but the people here have common sense and decency.
    That prick Keillor has pissed me off for years! He was a big nobody, until he listened in on other people’s conversations, and then made fun of them while raking in Millions.
    Now he’s pissing and moaning because they ended up out smarting him.

  4. Hey Keilor, How many Somalis have you sponsored, or are living as your next door neighbors? That’s what I thought. And you wonder why your side lost the election? You ought to get outside the bubble once in a while, you hypocritical liberal extremist left wing nut job open borders globalist commie moron.

  5. I used to love listening to A Prairie Home Companion but a few years ago when he wouldn’t shut the hell up about his politics I quit listening to him. It just made me mad, comedy and pushing your left wing politics don’t mix. The only good program NPR ever had was Car Talk, when those 2 brothers Tommy and Ray would go on and on talking about cars especially Tommy who had the most infectious laugh of anyone I ever heard. they would crack me up. And don’t even get me started on All Liberal Things Considered or Morning Edition, neither of which I have listened to since the mid 80’s. It’s time for Trump to totally defund both PBS and NPR and make them pay for themselves.

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