Gary Busey Has History of Taking His Pants Down Inappropriately – IOTW Report

Gary Busey Has History of Taking His Pants Down Inappropriately

After sex offense charges were leveled against him by women at a convention, saying he tried to undo bras and grabbed their butts, Busey was seen in a Malibu park with his pants down.

But this was not the first time he’s done this. The problem is when he did it on the show Big Brother he wasn’t admonished for it. They left it in the show and many people thought it was funny and “Gary being Gary.”

The guy is brain-addled, and his behavior shouldn’t have been condoned on any level.

11 Comments on Gary Busey Has History of Taking His Pants Down Inappropriately

  1. Motorcycle accident 20 +years ago. He is brain damaged and should be institutionalized for his own safety and those around him. Except we don’t institutionalize anyone anymore. They have “rights”.

  2. Didn’t the guy put his face through a tree in a motorcycle accident at one point? It’s still wrong, but he clearly has brain-damage and probably really can’t help himself.

  3. Outdoorjohn has a like a history of taking his pants down inappropriately but he never thought he could make a living at it until he got paid 80 US dollars per-hr. to spam sites like this one.

  4. He had been one of the most prominent opponents of the proposed brain bucket law in Ca in 90/91.
    And then….he fell off his bike and was in a coma from the bike accident, as I recall.
    Next thing you know, he wakes up pro bucket.. and in 92 the law kicked in.
    He was no longer welcome on the mountain where I lived after that.

  5. He was OK in Gumball Rally, but only because this coverage reminded me of the movie. Unfortunately, Busey is brain damaged, and friends say he has lost his “filters” as a result. He doesn’t understand the border between eccentric and um, problematic.

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