Gas Lines Forming Throughout the Southeast – IOTW Report

Gas Lines Forming Throughout the Southeast

Zero Hedge

And just like that, the Southeast of the US is heading down a dark path similar to one of the 1970s gas shortages from Virginia to Florida to Alabama following the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack. Even with Colonial set to restore systems by the weekend, shortages have already materialized as people panic hoard. 

The real panic has yet to begin as millions of Americans are waking up for work, hopping into their vehicle across the Southeast, and are hearing fuel shortages on the radio or reading push notifications on their phone. Driving down the street, they see rising fuel prices, signs at pumps that either read shortage or pump restrictions, or even see some gas stations closed. More

32 Comments on Gas Lines Forming Throughout the Southeast

  1. Think what it could be like if the pipeline and the electric grid there were both attacked and shut down at the same time.

    Any way, wonder who did it and if they will get away with it?

  2. Gas prices are up 20-25 cents here already and we aren’t even in that territory. This should effect everyone. Fuel goes to the highest bidder and a shortage was just created.

  3. I wonder how many of our conservative children will see what’s really going on after listening to us grandparents rant about what freedom was. And will they do anything about it?

  4. My dad when he used to be President of the local gasoline dealers association used to get annoyed as hell at all the TV reporters coming around and asking him stupid questions about gas shortages back in the mid 70’s. His standard answer was ‘I don’t know why” and it ticked the reporters off that he didn’t have any answers to their questions. I missed the first gas crisis in the Fall of 73 right after the Yom Kippur War (Oct. 1973) and the OPEC clusterfuck because we had already left on board the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 on a WestPac cruise for the next 8 and a half months.

  5. Coming on the heels of shutting down the Keystone Pipeline this would be a total embarrassment to any other President, except that Jackass Joe was born without Shame glands and in his first 100 days has demonstrated what an incompetent boob he truly is!! It really wouldn’t surprise me if whomever did this had some inside help from the Left in this country!

  6. Someone should tell JIMMY CARTER to get tough with America’s Enemies and not get bullied by Russia & Iran.

    Oh, Wait?….

  7. @TRF

    Don’t Forget Guvna Witless also wants to shut down Enbridge LINE 5 before the end of the Month. It supplies Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebecistan, and Michigan.

    Can everyone say $8.00 per gallon class?

  8. Considering the totally insensitive condemnation of police attacking black and brown people statement issued when supposedly honoring fallen police officers, he will probably issue a statement about how much better things will be since he is replacing gasoline’s cars with electrical cars.

  9. “Can everyone say $8.00 per gallon class?”
    Yup! All part of the Green New Deal. The left has been wanting this for at least 40 years. I suspect eco terrorists are the real culprits. But, the FBI is busy looking for white supremacists.

  10. I smell a Green New Deal set-up. Now that COVID has run it’s course and is in the last stage of it’s political usefulness, We the People will be spoon-fed the next CREATED CRISIS by the Presstitutes and Media Pimps.. NEXT UP! How ya gonna keep We the People locked-down all summer long??? Create a GAS CRISIS! Wake me when the shooting starts..

  11. Even if they try to green new deal us, they don’t think the chinese (or whoever) can’t hack that system, too? The system won’t be handled “Greenly” by fat union Toucans sliding rocks back and forth on a slate ala The Flintstones.

  12. Wasn’t it about a year ago that there was so much oil in supply that the price went down to a dollar a barrel? Regardless, this happened on Biden’s term. He owns it.

    I topped everything that I have off this past weekend. I have 19 gallons in gas cans. I can stretch it out to last about a month between the motorcycle and my wife’s car. A full tank in the lawnmower will last 5 weeks…

  13. Once again the commie propaganda media is whipping up panic over localized gas shortage which means all the selfish assholes who listen to the media are racing to their local gas stations and topping off their tanks thereby making any shortage a lot worse.

    We will never take our country back until the democrat commie media is utterly destroyed and removed from our lives.

    Anyone miss President Trump yet?

  14. ” …. whipping up panic over localized gas shortage …. ”

    This covers a pretty sizeable chunk of the nation, and a good part of the more population dense areas of it.

    Are you sure “localized” is the proper way to describe it?

    FWIW, it seems to be taking awful long to get it going again for reasons I don’t understand, maybe some IT guy could explain it for me?

  15. Like fucking clockwork… FL, GA, and SC push back against the communist machine, and then – presto! – “hackers” cut off their petrol supplies. This was clearly intentional and done by the US motherfucking government, which is run from top to bottom now by communist fucking vermin.

  16. The Mule – my feelings too. Let’s also make people worry about gas shortages and maybe an electric car is the way to go (their thinking, not ours). Add in high fuel costs after this and any other despicable idea they have up their sleeves and electric vehicles are looking better for the people (their thinking, not ours). Hey, maybe new green deal is better than we thought (you get what I mean).

  17. The pipeline was not ‘hacked’. The admin systems were subjected to a ransomware, which is usually the result of someone doing the wrong thing on a computer.
    Then they had to shut down the pipeline ’cause they were scared and told to.

  18. All planned. When I was in the U.K. in the early 90’s, a litre(.25 gallon) of fuel was around 3 pounds. That would be $10 dollars a gallon in the U.S. That was in back then money. The Democrats can’t wait for the price of a gallon of fuel to be out of reach for the average American family. This is just a test run now that the Chairman Xi flu is dying down. Now they are on to the next crisis that they can exploit to further their nutty agenda.

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