Gas Lines, Rabbits and Carter: Remembering 1979 – IOTW Report

Gas Lines, Rabbits and Carter: Remembering 1979

How’s it going in your region? Do you expect to see Carter’s gas lines soon?

Anyone who admires Jimmy Carter’s presidency wasn’t yet born when he was in the White House. Or wasn’t paying attention.

There’s simply no other explanation.

And, no, I don’t care how many Habitat for Humanity houses Carter has hammered. Nothing he’s done in the past 38 years can make up for the screwiness that engulfed the US while he was president from 1976 to 1980.

39 Comments on Gas Lines, Rabbits and Carter: Remembering 1979

  1. 11a.m. Inland San Diego Costco had two lines 2 to 3 times as long yesterday. An employee was directing traffic in parking lot. Fortunately, I didn’t need to buy gas. Wonder if they ran out by end of day.

  2. I tried the Redwood City Costco with a large gas station and there were about 100 cars lining up, snaking through the parking lot. Idk how much the gas was there. I ended up in Woodside where I had work and there was no line but it was busy. $5.70 for regular. It’s consistently and significantly more at the coast where I live so I rarely gas up here, anyway.

  3. Time to sort thru my old license plate collection and make sure I have a set of “even” and “odd” plates for when the rationing starts.

    Hey, remember when they had to modify all the gas pumps because they couldn’t go over 99.9c per gallon?

  4. “Time to sort thru my old license plate collection and make sure I have a set of “even” and “odd” plates for when the rationing starts.”

    Well, if they start that, I’m good this time.

    My trucks have consecutive plates on them.

    But, I’ll bet a bunch of money it doesn’t happen in Big D.

    All the stations are self-serve. What would they do, hire people to direct traffic? Not going to happen.

    First come, first serve. And people will just be forcing themselves into cutting the line, like a few years ago, if they’re impatient or feeling panicky.

    Punch-a-Democrat Day is coming faster than I thought it would.

    Ironically, the worst off are going to be the ones that voted Dem. They are the gimme-dat crowd, always expecting to be taken care of by big daddy government.

    He doesn’t care about you and wants you dead, fool.

  5. I remember getting sweaters for Christmas from my grandparents instead of flannel shirts.
    My grandfather who was a farmer and very handy converted his coal fired boiler on the furnace to wood and built a wood splitter because of the increase in coal prices then. We still use the splitter.

  6. There was a moment yesterday when I thought I saw the price of reg go down 6 cents right before my eyes.

    My momentary hopefulness was dashed when I saw it was flipping from CASH to CREDIT prices.

    Signing up with the stations does give you a lower price, so I’ve done that for several of them.

    Weird that Shell costs me less than the 7-11 across the street.

  7. Pulled the bicycle out of storage and gave her a checko er, oiled the chain and aired the tires.
    Noticed some sidewall cracking on the rear tire so I’ll have to limit any high speed runs til I get new rubber.
    Thanks Joe.

  8. Since yesterday gas has gone from $4.27 to $4.49.
    Diesel is at $5.11.

    Heating oil is between $5 & $5.40!!
    That’s $1000 for the average 200 gallon tank homes in New England have!!!
    During Trump yrs…$335 – $350 for a tank.

  9. $4.99 for diesel. 3/4 tank fill up is $80. In 2000 it was half that. Regular as high as $4.25.

    This is another attempt at a lockdown. Still putting up stickers.

    I guess the hold up in spring sports is to stop the chanting, it’s gonna get a lot worse.


  10. The thing to do is look for the most expensive fuel you can then fill up your tank and get that out of the way and then look for the cheapest gas next time and you feel like you got a deal.
    You know it seemed like it was cheaper when the mean tweeter was running things?
    He must of had a deal with the Reds?

  11. “How’s it going in your region?”

    It’s full of refugees from Cali and Texas. Traffic where there used to be none. You can’t even stop in the middle of the road and chat with the car coming the other way. Housing tracts springing up and we now have a disgusting burger king in town.

    Oh…and gas is as expensive as it is anywhere else.

  12. Yesterday Fairbanks was 4.59 for gas, 3.13 for no.1 heating oil not delivered.

    Don’t know what it is presently but last summer gas was 5.50 in the villages at the end of the road and some of the villages off the road system wouldn’t sell you gas if you weren’t a local.


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