Gas prices headed right where the Dems want them – IOTW Report

Gas prices headed right where the Dems want them

I&I: While running for president, Barack Obama said electricity prices will “necessarily skyrocket” under his energy plan. As gasoline reaches unaffordable heights for many Americans, never forget that the Democratic Party wants to inflict painful energy costs on the country. It’s in its political DNA.

As of Thursday, the average U.S. price for a gallon of regular gasoline was $4.32, the highest ever recorded in this country. A month ago, it was $3.48. A year ago, about six weeks after Joe Biden took the oath of office, it was $2.82. 

Recent projections that the U.S. average would peak at $4.25 a gallon around Memorial Day weekend now seem quaint. Would anyone be surprised if prices were nearly double that in much of the country before they begin to recede?

Biden has blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine for soaring prices, and swears his administration is trying to bring down prices. But the truth is, the Democratic Party wants gasoline to be priced as a luxury good, even if it hurts Democratic voters in the middle and lower economic classes: more

13 Comments on Gas prices headed right where the Dems want them

  1. Biden and his leftist puppet masters are misguided. Global nations can and will evolve into new energy resources in a natural pace just as they already have over generations. We do not need this drastic hardline manipulation from unscientific “green” ideology. Eventually there will need to be an intervention to stop Biden’s insane agenda. Sooner the better.

  2. They say, “Ignorance is bliss”, maybe so, but, stupidity is unbearable.

    Assholes that are stupid as to what is happening in this country deserve to be beaten down for their lazy, ignorant, stupid lack of giving enough shit to KNOW the facts when they are EVERYWHERE.

    They sulk in their own self-pity and stupidity simply because they believe everything they hear on CNN, totally unaware of plain, simple facts that abound all around them.

    They are so self-assured of their misinformation they are willing to follow the herd into the slaughter house and smile every inch of the way.

    Liberals are stupid, self-aggrandizing, power hungry, money grabbing, inconsiderate worshippers of Satan and I HATE EVERY-FUCKING-ONE of them.

    –Especially if they’re named Anonymous

  3. There are no “unintended consequences” in ANY politics.
    Politics are crafted by people who are aware – aware of their aims – aware of human nature – and aware of the immutable laws of economics.
    Most policies are crafted with a complete disregard of the people affected.
    Those policies are crafted to enrich the maggots who craft them, and their sycophants.
    Seems a tad cynical, but that’s the way it is, sorry to convey.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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