Gas Station Misplaces a Decimal Point – For 3 Hours Customers Paid an Absurd Price – IOTW Report

Gas Station Misplaces a Decimal Point – For 3 Hours Customers Paid an Absurd Price

They seem to be proud that they exploited an error, even giving their names in an interview.


Word spread quickly once a driver in Northern California realized the gas he was pumping into his car was costing him just 69 cents a gallon—for premium, even. “I hit that button and it started pumping and the dollar sign just stayed low,” said Darryl Surita, KOVR reports. He put up an Instagram post about the bargain, at a Shell station in Rancho Cordova. Other customers quickly recognized their luck and called friends and family. “I started looking around and everybody had a smile, like everybody had a big smile,” Surita said, “and they kinda were not looking at you in your eyes.”

Business boomed. “It was crazy, it turned into a circus within a matter of minutes,” said Eddie Surita. A technical error deserved the credit—or blame. Gas was supposed to be priced at $6.99 per gallon, but a misplaced decimal point put the actual price at 69 cents. It took about three hours for the station to fix the problem, per KRON. Gas prices in the area range from $5.81 to $6.89, per “I’ve never seen gas this price in my lifetime, could you imagine that?” said Darryl Surita, who filled his empty tank for $14. “This is history right here.”


8 Comments on Gas Station Misplaces a Decimal Point – For 3 Hours Customers Paid an Absurd Price

  1. @Tony R ~ describe ‘normal’

    to the d’rats & RINO’s that are enslaving us ‘normal’ means we should be paying as much, or more, as Europe

    I remember most of my childhood gas was around 20 ¢ a gallon … I remember @ 16 got one of the most fun jobs I ever had, pump jockey, & pumping it @ 28 ¢ a gallon

    so …. what’s ‘normal’? … whatever the market can bear

    & right now, everyone seems to be ok w/ bearing it

  2. I paid 17 cents per gallon in Omaha in 1968. There was a price war in the area at the time. I was heading out west in my maroon 1964 skylark convertible with a white top. Was a nice time to be alive.

  3. “I’ve never seen gas this price in my lifetime, could you imagine that?”

    Oh man I must be old. I’ve paid 25 cents per gallon before.

    I remember a chick in one class saying she would never pay 50 cents per when it first started going up with the first fake gas shortage in 73. Wonder how long she held out.

  4. Sad, many people knowing taking advantage of a company. It might be a franchise, If so, it might be a mom & pop. It could be devastating to the owner.

    Very sad. I would have told the cashier.


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