Gateway to the Truth – IOTW Report

Gateway to the Truth


Journalists and activists across truth-telling media, were commemorated Saturday night at The American Liberty Awards in Austin, Texas.

The Gateway Pundit won “Most Trusted Print Media” and was nominated alongside other booming news organizations that have sustained amid Big Tech’s unprecedented censorship against conservative media and the truth. More

Let’s see what truth they have for us today. Here

7 Comments on Gateway to the Truth

  1. …they get the best stories and I was there when Jim Hoft came out and that was OK, but then some guy won a lawsuit against a blog for a comment, then they turned into censor9
    ous dicks in the comment section. I shit you not, they once kicked me out for saying Hillary Clinton probably has esophageal varices. At some point they kicked me out so hard they deleted my multiyear Discus account, IP banned me, and wouldn’t respond to any messages asking why.

    That’s where part of my handle comes from. After they kicked me out I came back many times with different handles and from different IPs, and generally get banned for no given reason after a relatively short period of time. This happened so often I made a joke of it, using handles of the undead like Ghost, Spectre, Spirit, etc. just to troll them, and was on “Nightshade” when I came over here. (the “Super” I added for blog related reasons here, different story for another day).

    …so kudos to him for his reporting.

    Now just quit stomping your commenters like the Goverment pricks you profess to oppose, and you’ll REALLY have the whole package going…

  2. GP bounced me for making a true statement about homosexual males. I figure, ya bounce me I’ll stay bounced ye queers. Congratulations by the way. Lotta good stories come out of GP.

  3. Honestly at time GP post shit I will wait to be verified by some one else before I believe it. Even this passed year I’ve witnessed them delete several far fetched stories. I’m not saying I don’t support them to the hilt. Just sayen I think sometimes they jump the gun.

  4. @Supernightshade

    I totally agree. I used to hang out on their site a lot. and then with the censorship of the comments, the pop-up ads and especially the same information recycled in loop, I left in 2020.
    “Huge” “Breaking” “Breaking huge” “Boom”, we think: “Ah! a fresh news, click and we realize that it is an article already published which they have just changed a comma or the title. Too bad, a bit like Shapiro’s junk and his gang.

  5. Most honest print media? Where did The Epoch Times place? I’d trust them with all the facts first. They also stay on a story and do follow-up. GP is fine for quick headline perusal, but do they have to repeat every X posting 3 times in the body of the story?

  6. The American Liberty Awards, held in Austin, Texas, celebrated journalists and activists in the field of truth-telling media. During the event, The Gateway Pundit was awarded the title of “Most Trusted Print Media” and was nominated alongside other news organizations that have experienced challenges due to what some perceive as censorship by Big Tech against conservative media and viewpoints.

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