Gavin McInnes Analyzes What This Election Is All About – IOTW Report

Gavin McInnes Analyzes What This Election Is All About

It’s mommy versus daddy.



12 Comments on Gavin McInnes Analyzes What This Election Is All About

  1. He’s good, I’m a subscriber. Why do people have sentences in small letters tattooed on their arms? It’s gonna fade and distort.

    I look at it this way-if you’re on The Goodie Train, Hillary is your bet. She’ll keep spending trillions of dollars of fairy dust money for no other reason then to keep you placated and voting D. When you hear the evil racist praising the police, telling whole countries that it’s time to pay up and threatening to bring back jobs, your seat on the Train is looking shaky.

    If you’re fucking sick of the nightmare, Trump is your bet.

  2. That’s pretty much it.

    Progs stacked the electoral deck when they pushed through the 19th and 26th amendments. Giving women the right to vote got them almost all the way there. Giving children the vote makes them nearly undefeatable.

    Imagine. You’re old enough to vote but you can stay on daddy’s health insurance until you’re 26.

  3. That pretty much explains it. The other day I tried to talk politics with a bronze artist whose main clientele are coal mining companies (yes, I said COAL MINING companies). When he said he couldn’t believe how stupid Trump supporters were that’s when I knew the conversation would be futile. Being an ardent democrat his cognitive dissonance was so great that he was totally oblivious to the fact that the democrats were de facto shutting him down. Evidently he hated his dad too much to care.

  4. Well, if you want to use this analogy I would add that dad lost control when the hand of discipline ceased to confront the backside of the little brat and in exchange was given a timeout.

  5. bs

    it’s between a “government loving, corrupt, life long, grifting, greedy, overbearing henpecking, cackling, lesbian, slandering, money grubbing, career professional politician lawyer” and an American citizen patriot business man who is doing his share to right the wrongs.

    mommy and daddy has nothing to do with it.

    for all the money hillary has stolen she still has no class. I bet wealthy people with class talk about her smell and hair behind her back.

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