Gavin McInnes Explains Why Trump is the Only Choice – Ben Shapiro Babbles Incoherently and in Circles About Why “Not Trump” Is a Good Choice – IOTW Report

Gavin McInnes Explains Why Trump is the Only Choice – Ben Shapiro Babbles Incoherently and in Circles About Why “Not Trump” Is a Good Choice

You have to click around to get from the McInnes segment to the Shapiro segment, but I wouldn’t, because Crowder does a great analysis of an off-topic subject – a police stop where a black woman brainwashes her young child into hating a cop that the kid doesn’t hate. (He says to the mother, “ma. he’s being nice.”

The mother doesn’t want to hear it. She tells the young boy that the cop wants to kill him. Heartbreaking.

16 Comments on Gavin McInnes Explains Why Trump is the Only Choice – Ben Shapiro Babbles Incoherently and in Circles About Why “Not Trump” Is a Good Choice

  1. Why do Trump people consistently head down the path that Gavin just did while defending Trump to a Cruz person. “we don’t like him”. Who cares. Do you need to “Like” the person that can save us from Hillary. Gavin should have gone right to policy. What policy of Trumps is stopping you from voting for him? Then tell him to put his big boy pants on.

  2. Shapiro is an odd one. He was back and forth on Trump. Way before this, he loved him. Now, even though he agrees with a lot of what Trump said, it’s just that he doesn’t know what a Trump admin would look like so he can’t vote for him. what? Makes no sense.
    He knows what a hillary admin would look like and knows he can’t vote for her.
    But Trump? He’s ineloquent and he lies. About what? He never says. OK then. lol

  3. Shapiro should have his RINO, baby ass bitched slapped repeatedly. I volunteer and appoint Bad Brad as my substitute (if necessary) should I get tired since I am an old man.

  4. TO MJA

    I guess you know that Daily Wire (and by part and parcel) was bought by an anti-Trump jerk who now OWNS


    and hence all he writes these days is in conformance with said Monkey Grinder/Master?

  5. Shut it off as soon as the guy Crowder talks with said Trump isn’t too bright. Hey Anus, Trump is crazy like a fox and brilliant. So sad he doesn’t talk the language of the pseudo educated.

  6. Brad – running your mouth and slinging insults is entirely your forte. You are the master – I surrender.

    Oh….Biff has no policies, only your fantasies. Reality is hard.

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