Gavin McInnes On International Cuisine – IOTW Report

Gavin McInnes On International Cuisine

Though a well-rounded and cultured man, Gavin McInnes isn’t a big fan of international food. In this video he holds the good old fashion American cheese burger up against anything the rest of the world has to offer.


11 Comments on Gavin McInnes On International Cuisine

  1. Man, that Hardee’s Frisco Burger or Wendy’s Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger is just lain good eatin’ and I also love me some sausage gravy ‘n biscuits and nothing beats a good meatloaf.

    Haven’t had supper yet (youngsters are makin tripe hamburger helper for the old folks tonight!

  2. Cast iron Craycort grill over lump charcoal full heat (500 degrees plus) with 1/3 lb pressed grass fed ground beef, 4 to 5 minutes a side. Salt/pepper simple seasoning, splash of Worcestershire. More than excellent, deep crispy exterior, medium rare to medium inside with juices rolling.

  3. 🔽🔽 DISAGREE 🔽🔽

    ⚛ A lot of the East Asian dishes with regular pork, beef, chicken are EXCELLENT for your health.

    ⚛ Their main focus is on vegetables, not a huge pile of meat, mainly b/c it’s imported and expensive.

    ⚛ Americans would be much better off to adopt food choices from other countries which increase their vit./minerals, and rely less on gorging on huge mouthfuls of red meat.

    Cheeseburgers are great, but it’s killing us.

  4. Learn the simple method of pickling red onions. Pickled red onion on just about any meat sandwich is heaven. Spicy Mayo too. Porchetta is the best. You can thank me, but send BFH a tip instead. 🙂

  5. Nice rant, but living in Guam? Mebbe a cheeseburger a month. We’ve got too much better food out here for me to keep my fat ass running on.

    Bacon wrapped shrimp? Miso ramen? Crispy chicken sushi with spicy mayo sauce? Pork tonkatsu ramen with karagge chicken? Good lord, it’s terrible.

    Daddy done be 400 pounds on the inside and 180 on the outside. It’s rough keeping that weight down.

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