Bloomberg Opinion
California this week declared its independence from the federal government’s feeble efforts to fight Covid-19 — and perhaps from a bit more. The consequences for the fight against the pandemic are almost certainly positive. The implications for the brewing civil war between Trumpism and America’s budding 21st-century majority, embodied by California’s multiracial liberal electorate, are less clear.
Speaking on MSNBC, Governor Gavin Newsom said that he would use the bulk purchasing power of California “as a nation-state” to acquire the hospital supplies that the federal government has failed to provide. If all goes according to plan, Newsom said, California might even “export some of those supplies to states in need.”
“Nation-state.” “Export.” More
I’ve spoken to CA liberals who hate the illegal problem, big city shitholes, etc. but voted for Newsom and would do so again.
A rational mind cannot possibly reconcile that thought process.
Hard to support him when he keeps using Federal courts to impose California on the rest of the nation instead of giving them the same recognition he wants.
Pull all federal money immediately and he’ll change his tune.
Bloomberg Opinion – enough said.
Go ahead and secede, there are at least 40 other states that wish you would. Do you really think you’ll be taking 15% of the federal tax base with you? Hah!! People will be leaving your new sovereign nation-state in droves once the reality of no more federal teet to suck on hits.
Great, stop “ALL” federal funding to California today.
You don’t want help and the rest of us are tired for paying for their shithole.
Crapweasel Newsom has been on TV everyday showing what a great leader he is. Maybe the dems will replace Biden with him. He’s obviously running for President in 2024.
Stop funding? Schiff and Pelosi would keel over dead.
pls go, and surrender your 55 blue electoral votes
Well if that’s the case Gavin, all of Northern California would like to succeed from California. The sooner the better.
Not just all funding…no more crops or supplies from the midwest.
Hope you Commiefornians can SWIM! >:->
how many ventilators would you have been able to buy with the billions you wasted on your high speed rail to no where??
it’s not trumps fault you are not prepared. trump is not the one who waisted billions on stupid no hope and no return projects.
“Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please,” said Brer Rabbit. “Only please, Brer Fox, please don’t throw me into the briar patch.”
Please! Build the wall between Nevada and California! Please!! Oh, and take Sisolak with you, as he thinks we are eastern California!
None the less, mark my words; Gavin Newsom will be the next democrat president.
I’ll agree to fully support a straight up, clean, simple, Calexit. If they agree to take every. damn. one. of the “Americans” who insist they need to be
compensatedbribed enough. To “let” California go.Hey, I am all for the 10th Amendment and for the ‘Great Experiment’, allowing each state to determine its own course. But I am also for the federal government existing for only the Constitutional purpose of defending its citizens and providing a legal structure, without all the handouts (which BTW come with a lot of requirements and restrictions).
And no ‘rights’ to free stuff. Those explicitly detailed in the Bill of Rights are all we need – and we do need to make sure those are not stolen from us.
If only the dumbshit could separate Commiforincation and my wallet…
Like a cartoon, just barge canal it away from the other state borders and have one large entity and call it what it really is – Mexifornia.
If that polished turd says, ‘Meet the moment’ one more time…
Sounds like he doesn’t need federal funds anymore.
It’s not just the free money from the Feds. The anointed one keeps running his mouth and he’ll have every defense contractor in California pulling up stakes and headed for Nevada. That’s a CHUNK of tax revenue.
Actually the “Rear State Republic” was for a short time just that!
hardto believe with the complete incompetence of OSS/CIA the last 78 years. but in 1844 american intelligence was smart. They told Foxy Knoxy there wes gold in the Russian Colony of California. Knox sent lt/Cpt/Col Freemont with a heavily reinforced company (I would call it a battalion) to the city the Mexicans called “Yerba Buena” ; when the Russians took Cal from the French( a bout 2 years after Bastille Day) they gave it an Orthodox Catholic name “St Francis”. . Fremont was told to tell the Russians we would have a plebiscite. If the result of it was Cal was an independent stats America would recognize it
voters said independent. Cal became a country and America recognized it. some of my kin had been living in Yerba Buena for 3 generations in 1846. Fremont had been promised a commission on the gold sales by Foxy.
the Russians DID INTERFER IN AN AMERICAN ELECTION! they poisoned Foxy and he was to ill to do anything in 1848; he did not run nor could he travel He did tell those near his death bed that the Rogue Gen the Whigs ran was a criminal. the Treaty of H was a fraud. Signed illegal by both American and Mexican Gens! Historical note. Mexico was a French colony in 1848. A French gen would hav had to sigh the Treaty to make it “quasi” legal.
It is interesting – to me the history nut -to note that the election of Zac effectively ended Abe’s party. Abe , a Whig, lost 6 straight elections to Reps from 1842 to 1854 before he agreed,”If you cannot beat em, join em!
Abe not only was not the founder of the GOP but not their first Presidential candidate! Again as my ancestors pointed out a Cal man ran for President on GOP in 1856. If you paid attention to what I’ve said he his name you know. John Chuck Fremont! I never cease to be amazed at how unlearned IVY League grads – with many sheepskins! – are!
So after the Russians took us from the French. We voted to be a country. Shortly thereafter we joined the Union.
Freemont was denied his commission by all Presidents after Knoxy. His family sued. When I was a kid (I was actually wee at one time) his grand kids were awarded $millions by USSC!
Most us Cal folk give the credit to Fremont; but Knoxy sent a Commodor with a fleet to Monterey + Santa Cruz to lend some muscle! I know not their names; but am sure the fleets being there helped convince the Czar not to fight!
Cali-Cali is a nation-state ?
Let’s see Gavee baby keep his ” nation – state ”
afloat without Fed subsidies.
Let’s see you do it Gavee baby.
You’ll be doing the rest of us a favor !
Go ahead Gavin. The cost of the water and power you’re getting from Hoover dam is gonna go up. A lot.