Gavin Newsom Vows Universal Healthcare for All of California’s Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom Vows Universal Healthcare for All of California’s Illegal Immigrants

Californians, are you this deranged?

If you vote in Gavin Newsom I hope the state breaks off and floats out into the Pacific and flips over, like Guam.

This is the drip, drip, drip, the path to full blown leftism, that the left always denies is happening when you accuse them of something. Joe Wilson famously yelled “YOU LIE!” when Obama try to claim that there was no danger of illegal aliens receiving his brainchild- Obamacare.


Think of the most ridiculous marxist/communist policies that could be drawn up as the democratic platform. Try and be absurd. It won’t be. It’s exactly what the left wants, plus more. They believe there are magical trunks of money out there for them to play with.

This is why they need to be eradicated.



20 Comments on Gavin Newsom Vows Universal Healthcare for All of California’s Illegal Immigrants

  1. Yes Californians are this deranged and once he logs some time as Gov he will be running for POTUS. He also is only agreeing to one debate in October during Monday night football so don’t expect Cox to get many opportunities to compare and contrast policies publicly.

  2. Let all the illegals go to California. That way they are contained. When Trump cuts off the federal funds (ass-uming the House R’s grow a set), let the state deal with the backlash. Close the borders to the state.

    Sorry for the collateral damage that will be done to the real conservatives who decide to continue to stay in that crap state.

  3. There is no limit to what Liberals will offer to people in exchange for votes. They have no morals. This country is dead broke, 22 trillion in debt and they keep offering more and more free stuff. Unbelievable how evil and power hungry some humans are.

  4. This will mean every citizen in America is entitled to free health care in Califucktard. If an illegal rat is entitled to it, than a legal person is also. Its equal protection under the constitution, we are not any less equal than the illegal savages, if the illegal savages can get it so can we. Just think of that Supreme Court case where a legal citizen sues to be treated as equally well as an illegal savage and to be afforded the same rights and benefits as an illegal savage is getting…. brilliant.

  5. When we build The Wall, I’m thinking it would be good to head northwest at about the AZ/CA border, and run it up the west side of the Central Valley before heading to the coast somewhere about Mendocino or Humboldt county. Gotta make sure Orange and Kern counties are on our side, though. There are conservatives in Orange, and oil in Kern, after all.

    Does that sound about right, Bad_Brad, or does my idea need tweaking?

  6. The money is the least of it. It is the destruction of our culture, the destruction of law and the Constitution.
    The destruction of white males. The destruction of the family. The destruction of Christianity.

  7. Uncle Al
    Just below the California Delta because I love that place. We’ll chase the invaders that are trapped behind enemy lines out.
    At Newsom’s current velocity and vector within the next four years he will propose we provide health care for all of Mexico. That’s not far from what he is currently proposing.

  8. California is one of the most beautiful states in the nation, and it takes a lot to damage it. But the liberals are trying their damnest, and eventually they will succeed.

    Newsome is gambling that the Federal government will either bail out or take over any state single payer system – ideally by passing a national single payer system that will absorb California’s potential nightmare. He’s betting that California is “too big to fail,” so to advance the liberal agenda they will play a high stakes game of chicken with peoples’ lives in order to get what they want.


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