Gavin Newsom’s Wife Wants To Be Called “First Partner” – IOTW Report

Gavin Newsom’s Wife Wants To Be Called “First Partner”

Wow, how progressively enlightened. Too bad it sounds like she is co-governor.

Siebel Newsom says “partner” sounds more “inclusive.”

Uhhh, if you’re so concerned, Siebel, it’s actually the “first” part of the phrase “first lady” that sounds exclusive, no?  Sounds elitist and like you’re more important than a regular ol’ lady.

Since you’re up at night thinking of ways you can be better than previous idiots who used the phrase “first lady,” maybe you can work on perfecting the term, k hon’?



24 Comments on Gavin Newsom’s Wife Wants To Be Called “First Partner”

  1. The new CA ‘IDIOCRACY is getting off to a superbly great start.

    We’re going to need a lot of popcorn for the up-coming outrageous vying for attention leftist electee asswipe breaks their neck to out-clown the next, to win the BARNUM AND BAILY CIRCUS ACT OF THE ERA award.

    And to think that Jeffee CornFLAKEs for brains is retiring, therefore ineligible.


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