Gawker Writer Hamilton Nolan Should Stick To Things He Knows Best About – Like Butt Plugs – IOTW Report

Gawker Writer Hamilton Nolan Should Stick To Things He Knows Best About – Like Butt Plugs

Moronic Bernie Voter Alert!!!!!

Gawker writer says the government should just hand out money to everyone to “get the economy going.”

He says the gubmit gave the banks lots of money, why not give it to the people.

Pssst, Hamilton. Those were zero interest LOANS.

Also, inflation. Look it up. It’s not just about male love dolls.


10 Comments on Gawker Writer Hamilton Nolan Should Stick To Things He Knows Best About – Like Butt Plugs

  1. I am posting this quote, again, from Dr. Ben Carson in one of the debates. Few paid any attention to it that I am aware of.

    “Americas like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold:
    its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine those three areas, America will collapse from within.”

    The good doctor was quoting Josef Stalin.

  2. Nolan deserves derision and scorn, but in effect the loans that the fed makes are much like giving away free money to the banks. The reason is fractional reserve. Banks create their own money by loaning out more than they get – by a large factor, overall more than 10:1 and in some situations 100:1.

  3. The government doesn’t actually earn money. All of the money in the possession of the government was taken from the citizens. Some people actually confuse the government with a company that earns money. If that were the case, most government agencies would no longer exist because of their poor business practices. There is really no accountability for all of that money that the government takes from us.
    I know, because I had a local government job and my husband works for the Feds. (So obviously I don’t think there are no legitimate jobs in government.)

  4. This made me think of a comedian (whose name escapes me) who said he heard that the government spent one million dollars on an ad campaign to try to encourage people to use two dollar bills, in an effort to try to get more of them in circulation. The ad campaign failed, and the guy observed that a more effective way to get $2 bills in circulation using the same amount of money would simply have been to give 500,000 of them away.


    P.S. – I don’t think the ad campaign was real, but it did make for a funny story.

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