Gay Activist Couple Get 100 Years in Prison – IOTW Report

Gay Activist Couple Get 100 Years in Prison

Gateway Pundit-

“House of Horrors” – Gay Activist Couple Who Raped and Abused Their Adopted Sons Get 100 Years in Prison.

William Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, a married, gay couple who were arrested in 2022 after authorities in Georgia were tipped off that the two were using their adopted, underaged sons for pornography and possibly even allowing pedophiles to spend time with them were sentenced to 100 years in prison. more

22 Comments on Gay Activist Couple Get 100 Years in Prison

  1. These s***bags do not deserve the title “Dad”. There was no father aspect to the horrible situation these creatures forced those poor boys into. May they suffer as those children have.

  2. THIS is just one of the results of tolerating perversion.
    Those kids will never be right.

    There’s a reason ragheads throw them off buildings and Leviticus says to take them outside the village (so as to offer no further pollution to the village) and stone them to death.

    Yeah, yeah, I know … the 99% make the other 1% look bad …

  3. …speaking of burning, the Democrat Media and even Elon’s X is removing all mention of AMELIA CARTER, like she never existed and wasnt mudered by an illegal psychopath.

    Guess she wrecks too many narratives, time to make AMELIA CARTER an unperson.

    …just to repeat who that is…


    I’ve been on X off and on all day and the story, her name and picture have been on many of the posts. That picture and even the video of that cop walking by has also been on there. – Claudia

  4. Not this shit again.

    Remember the Hart “family?” Well, the media exploited those children too. It is absolutely predictable where it leads each and every time the media and government are using innocent children to advance their agenda. In both cases the local police knew the score, but politicians were using the victims to advance their agenda and the media were exploiting them to produce alternative family propaganda.

    It’s absolutely predictable where this invariably leads. But then again the progressive/Marxist/Satanist motivation in every thing they advocate for always and without exception eventually leads to increased innocent human suffering, misery and death. Doesn’t it?

    That was a rhetorical question, but for those of you who are part of the movement… I’ll listen as you give me one single example where it hasn’t. I’m not for any bullshitting around though. Just give me an example and I am not going to entertain any qualifying remark or exception. Just an example and that is the only evidence Imam open to. Nothing more. I’m not into horseshit.

  5. … and they aren’t “gay activists,” they are progressive/Marxist/Satanist apologists and evangelicals. They serve Satan and that is why they aren’t celebrated and protected by government at all levels and protected by the media. At this point in history that is all there is to it.

  6. These two won’t even get the mercy of a millstone – Matthew 18:6, Romans 1:18-32, The Holy Bible. They’re going straight to Hell.

    Praying for the boys salvation who those queer demoniacs abused is critical, because one or both could become queer predatory criminals, too.


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