Gay Club in Orlando Shot Up By Terrorist – IOTW Report

Gay Club in Orlando Shot Up By Terrorist

Shooter is dead.

We consider this an act of terrorism,’ 20 dead inside Pulse Nightclub, officials say.

17:42  Shooting at Orlando nightclub a ‘Domestic Terror Incident,’ say authorities:

A shooting at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning has been described as a “domestic terror incident” with approximately 20 fatalities and at least 42 hospitalized individuals, officials said.
At a press conference on Sunday at 7 a.m., an FBI official was asked if the shooter, who was shot and killed by police, had ties to Jihadist terror groups. “At this time we’re looking at all angles right now.” the official said. “We do have suggestions that that individual may have leanings towards that, that particular ideology. But right now we cant say definitively so were still running everything around
The FBI also said the shooter “was organized and well-prepared,” adding “he is not from this area.”
Officials at the press conference said a police officer responded to shots fired at 2:02 a.m., and the officer then exchanged fire with the gunman — who has yet to be identified.
It then turned into “a hostage situation.” SWAT officers exchanged gunfire. The gunman had an assault rifle, handgun and “some kind of device on him.” At approximately 5 a.m., the decision was made to rescue the hostages, officials said.
“This can be classified as a domestic terror incident,” Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said at the press conference.
And the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement is investigating this morning’s shooting as “an act of terrorism.” It said it will determine if it is “domestic or international” terrorism.


Approximately 20 people are dead inside Pulse nightclub, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said Sunday morning, just hours after a shooter opened fire in the club. At least 42 people have been transported for medical treatment, he said.

Police have shot and killed the gunman, Mina told reporters.
“It’s appears he was organized and well-prepared,” the chief said, adding that the shooter had an assault-type weapon, a handgun and “some type of (other) device on him.”
Orlando authorities said they consider the violence an act of domestic terror. The FBI is involved.
The shooting began around 2 a.m., and an officer responded, Mina said. The officer engaged in a shootout outside the club, after which the gunman ran into the club.
“That turned into a hostage situation,” Mina said. Authorities were getting calls from people inside the club but away from the gunman, the chief said.
More police rushed to the scene and broke down a door with an armored vehicle, helping some 30 clubgoers flee to safety, Mina said. At that point police shot and killed the gunman, he said.
CNN affiliate WKMG video captured clubgoers carrying injured people from the club.
“It’s just shocking,” said Christopher Hansen who was inside Pulse. He heard gunshots, “just one after another after another. It could have lasted a whole song,” he said.
“Everyone get out of Pulse and keep running,” the nightclub posted on its Facebook page shortly after the violence began.
Orlando police warned residents to stay away from the area, and urged people not to call their offices. They declined to provide the number of casualties, saying details will be available later. Bomb sniffing dogs are on the scene.

74 Comments on Gay Club in Orlando Shot Up By Terrorist

  1. A regressive Democrats worst nightmare, a jihadist killing LGBT en masse on American soil. There will have to be some major pretzel twisting and whitewashing by the state press to get this swept under the rug in a hurry.

    I guess we’ll see more Anti-Trump propaganda filling the headlines for the next few days while this story gets pused to page 56 in the D section next to the Want Ads.

  2. The chattering newsreaders are already framing it as ‘Hillary has already discussed gun control as a major topic and this will certainly bring it forward’. Fargin bastarges! Ice holes! I will just remind everyone that Trump targeted the real issue already – Moslem control….

  3. A few brave, intrepid reporters may blame this on Radical Islam (if they dare), but 15 and a half years after 9/11 and 28,577 deadly terror attacks (and an even bigger pile of dead bodies) we have to ask ourselves: Is it really radical Islam when 99.999% of the muzlims say nothing and do nothing about it? We only on day 7 of the Ramadan Bombathon and already they’re up to 60 attacks and 492 kills. How many more years will it take to throw Political Correctness in the Dumpster of History and call it what it really is> The Islamic War on the West.
    The term “Radical” was never used on Adolf Hitler, Genghis Khan, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, etc. etc.
    Stop using it with Islam. There’s nothing radical about it.
    It’s what they are!
    99.999% of the muzlims give the rest of ’em a bad name!

  4. The news media narratives will focus on a “climate of hate” and will link the boycotting of Target stores by “Christians” as providing fuel for this.

  5. As of 9:00 this morning CBS “News” Radio will not report that the FBI said the savage has islamic terrorist ties. Worse, their reporter in Orlando tried to link this to Trump! He “reported” that “it is well known that this was LATIN night”.

  6. “Everyone get out of Pulse and keep running,” the nightclub posted on its Facebook page shortly after the violence began.”

    Who in the hell is looking at Facebook when you’re shot at? Well, the gays came out of the closet and made demands, and what happened is not a shock to me, it was going to happen sooner or later. I blame the liberals but most of all Obama.

  7. It’s also no coincidence since this attack came at the same time as many gay pride celebrations all across the country including one here in Spokane. I am sick of this, when will these libtard knuckleheads wake up and realize they’re priority #1 targets of the these murderous barbarian jihadis? My late wife decided she was a lesbian and left me after 30 years of marriage and 3 kids about 10 years ago and believe me there was nothing gay about her. It literally tore her apart to where I didn’t even recognize who she was.

  8. This should serve as notice that there are no “Protected Groups” when it comes to these savage, brutal, cave-men Hell-Bent on worldwide conquest and domination through the use of indiscriminate death and destruction at any opportunity, operating under the cover of some sick, twisted, so-called “religion”.
    Denying it will only get us killed. Quod Erat Demonstrandum
    Anyone who says otherwise is just running cover for these in-bred, 7th century bastards.

  9. moslems fighting perverts … sorta like that old joke about the ex-wife fighting a mountain lion … though I do wonder why none of the perverts shot back? Or are all the perverts in Florida anti-2A? You’d think, after that whole National Socialist thing of 70 years ago, that the perverts woulda learned SOMETHING!

    Guess not.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I imagine the left will be torn between their desire continue to take it up the ass at gay nightclubs, and their pathological inability to criticize muslim mass murders.

    Not sure how they’ll manage it, but I’ll bet they try to blame this event on A) scary black assault rifles, and B) straight white men.

  11. Shooter was registered democrat. Hop on any liberal BS site they are all blaming Trump and the White Male for this. As if Trump walked in and pulled the trigger himself. Liberals are positively mental.

  12. This Muslim son of a bitch Goat molester killed Americans.
    I don’t care about Gay, they are Americans. That makes them my brothers and sisters.
    President Lazlo would round up his family to the farthest extension and deport their asses, and confiscate their wealth.
    Sam Adams said in his letter on the Rights of the Colonists as Men: “-that toleration ought to be extended to all whose doctrines are not subversive to society”
    Islam is subversive to our society
    It needs to be deported

  13. I bet “the FBI is investigating”
    ONLY because it was a HOMO nightclub.

    And, the whole “terrorism” angle?!?
    Don’t be surprised if it was just another
    homo CATFIGHT gone wrong…
    …with the spurned homo being a muslim.

  14. Look for the dems to not let this crisis go to waste. Calls for total gun confiscation in 3, 2, 1…

    How about tossing out all gun restrictions for the general population for starters and then tight border control followed up by Muslim deportation to clean out the rats nest of murderous heathens?
    That’ll work.

    Oh, and #NeverHillary, #NeverIslam and just all you libs kiss my ass.

  15. Good Lord, I first found out about this story less than an hour ago and on this site. Checked Fox for updates; said that there were 20 dead, 40 wounded. Just checked again, now Fox says 50 dead, 53 wounded.

    I can tell already this is not going to be your average “slow news Sunday.”

  16. Absolve, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
    the souls of Thy servants
    from every bond of sin,
    that being raised in the glory of the resurrection,
    they may be refreshed among the Saints and Elect.
    Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  17. This is why we have an obligation to go about armed.
    For as long as we do, we will be left alone and only soft targets full of unarmed liberals, like this one, will be hit.
    That may sound hardhearted, but let them reap what they have sown and keep it away from rational folks.

  18. The left is currently jumping through their own assholes trying to figure out how to spin this. My guess is that they will say the shooter identified as a white Christian male NRA member, therefore white Christian men who are NRA members will be the ones who get blamed for this. Any bets on what Ovomit will say?

    That is, if they don’t just try to sweep it under the rug.

  19. The corrupt media is already settling on their template.
    The killer was anti-gay therefore this is primarily an anti LGBQT act or BLT or whatever trendy acronym is in play.
    Doubtless brought on by a ‘right wing atmosphere of intolerance’ fostered by ‘gun nuts’ and Trump,of course
    Think this ridiculous parody?
    It’s already happening.

  20. On the armed self-defense front, Florida law does not permit open carry, and the concealed carry laws prohibit such firearms in bars.

    There’s a lot of wording used to define where you can or can’t carry when it comes to a place serving alcohol, and it is OK if the place has some semblance of separation between areas primarily used for dining vs. drinking as long as you stay out of the bar area.

    But I just looked over the photos of the Pulse club and it looks to me like the whole place is legally a bar with no even cosmetically separated for dining.

    So, no guns were allowed by patrons: it was a GUN-FREE ZONE, meaning a target rich environment for a motivated mass murderer.

    BTW, the actual web site for the club ( is unresponsive – no surprise there – but the internet archive (wayback machine) has a snapshot taken today that mostly works. There are some photos missing, but most are viewable if anybody is interested. Click HERE and then select the snapshot date you want to view.

  21. They probably will be silent on the Islamist connection as well as the gay side of it and simply go after the guns again. Obama will do that as well as Clinton and any other Democrat who can get their lying mouth in front of a mike. It’s up to the lamestream media to at least try to be journalists for a change and get the facts out there and then hold Clintons (Obama is fast becoming a non-player except when the pardons are being handed out then he’ll have writers cramp) feet to the fire. With all the drivel coming out of her mouth lately it ought to be fairly easy to turn the gays against her.

  22. “At least 50 people were killed and 53 others were injured in the shooting in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.”

    And it happened under Barack Hussein Obama’s watch. Congratulations Mr. President! Enjoy that “Claime To Fame!”


  23. @Tamminator – Yeow. If I’m reading it right, that little chat about compassionately murdering homosexuals took place in or near Orlando just this past Tuesday? I wonder if Mateen knew of the event or even attended?

    Thanks for that chilling link.

  24. ISIS spread the word loud and clear about an attack in Florida. Meh, nothing to do with Pisslam or international terrorists. They’re here which everyone at IOTWR knew any way.

    50 Americans dead. That is what matters. Prayers for family and friends.
    A very dear and life long friend of mine belongs to the Pink Pistols in Ohio. This is the guy who was there for me during cancer when my family flaked off.

    The Pink Pistols is a GLBT self-defense organization
    Here is the statement issued by the Pink Pistols

    Liberal media is now choking on its own bile trying to get out the usual lines about Pisslam religion of peace. Perhaps they will be the next target of jihadists in America.

  25. Listening on WINS, one of two all-news stations in New York City.

    Calling it “worst mass shooting in American history.”

    No local or other stories being reported. Coverage inerrupted only for traffic reports every ten minutes, weather every twenty, and sports segments twice hourly per usual station format. All other aspects of regular format suspended.

  26. The fact that an obedient Muslim killed LGBT and Latino infidels, as ordered by the Quran, will soon be ignored by the leftist media.
    The push to force woman and girls to share bathroom and locker room facilities with transgenders and other deviants will be back to being a leftist priority, because it has devastating effects on society.
    Of course, Trump, Christians, guns and whites get the blame – they’re the left’s go to villains.

  27. If only GITMO had been closed, if only NASA had done a better job at outreach, if only Trump hadn’t insulted the followers of that religion/race/gender, if only we had brought more refugees into the country.
    I dearly hope Hilary and that Dipshit in the White House bray on about gun control. I want to hear it.

  28. Before we rush to conclusions about what may have motivated someone to such sickening and depraved violence, we must learn all the facts abou-…

    … aaaaand it’s Islam.

  29. Fox now reporting that Mateen’s ex-wife, speaking on condition of anonymity, would come home and beat her “if the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.”

    No surprise there. Remember that part of my job is to take petitions for Orders of Protection. I hear this sad story daily.

  30. As for this event giving an election support boost to Trump, sadly our voters appear to have very short memories and will be back to business as usual within mere days.

  31. Obama speaking, falling all over his lame self to remind us that we don’t know the motivation for the attack yet.

    What an embarrassment to our cou try.

  32. Listening to the Øbamboozler (the lying/denying, Gay-obsessed, Muzlim Mallard) a few minutes ago, you would never know islam had anything to do with it. He said it was someone filled with hate.
    Thanks Mr Obvious, but call it what it really is: islamic hate!

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