Gay Couple Throw Transgender Renter Out of Their House For Supporting Trump – IOTW Report

Gay Couple Throw Transgender Renter Out of Their House For Supporting Trump

After being profiled in the news,  a guy calling himself Edie DePoorter-Dixon was asked to leave a rental because the landlords are two gay guys who loathe Trump.

It then became a case of “he said-he said.”

The tranny threatened to tell child protective services that the landlords commit sexual acts in front of their adopted son.

The gay guys said that the tranny invited the son to squeeze his boob.

This last part is the most interesting aspect of the story to me, and brings up a great legal debate.

Is it illegal for a man to ask a 15 year-old if they want to squeeze his boob? I’m not going to frame this question like the site I’m going to link, calling the guy “she” and “her.”


Is it a big deal if a 15 year-old kid squeezes a guy’s implant? Is this a sexual act? Or is it more like squeezing a lesbian’s cucumber?

Anyway, here’s the story

ht/ jerry manderin


19 Comments on Gay Couple Throw Transgender Renter Out of Their House For Supporting Trump

  1. This is all pretty simple….call it the recthim tax…..for every centimeter that you put your ‘special purpose’ up some bodies dookie chute, you pay a tax!…..odometer reading will become an art form…

  2. So a couple of gays can throw someone, anyone, out of a rental property for the simple reason of who they voted for, and yet bakers get fined and lose their livelihood if they simply refuse to bake a cake.

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