Gay guy gets life in prison for intentionally infecting other gays with HIV – IOTW Report

Gay guy gets life in prison for intentionally infecting other gays with HIV

The guy should have moved to California, where what he did would be a misdemeanor.


For the first time in the UK, a man has been found guilty of intentionally infecting others with HIV. Daryll Rowe, 27, was sentenced Wednesday to life behind bars with a minimum term of 12 years for infecting five men via unprotected sex and trying to infect five others by damaging condoms, the BBC reports. Rowe was diagnosed with the virus in April 2015, and then embarked upon what the judge called a “determined hateful campaign of sly violence,” meeting men on gay dating app Grindr for sex. After they slept together, he would send them messages like “I have HIV LOL. Oops.”

 Some of Rowe’s victims testified to having considered suicide after finding out they had been infected; one said he would have rather Rowe “murdered” him.


22 Comments on Gay guy gets life in prison for intentionally infecting other gays with HIV

  1. And that’s why I call them queer. Gay men are by far the most promiscuous cult in society. Yet they think that they are not susceptible to disease? What a sad lot.

  2. I recall 20 odd years ago a prostitute, known to be infected with aids, that worked the area around the New Haven Green (Ct.) was arrested – then ordered released, because it was ruled unlawful to arrest and hold someone in jail just for having a disease.

    She was asked wasn’t she concerned about infecting married johns who might also infect their children. Her reply was, they weren’t worried about it. Why should she be?

  3. Gee, we were told that AIDS was a “Badge of Honor.”
    (Dick Sargent)

    So why should the guy be convicted of anything other than passing on the “Honor?”

    I’m confused.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Really?

    He’s a fucking homosexual pervert.
    I doubt that there’s anything even remotely gay (as in exuberantly happy) about him.

    Send him to Mecca.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Unlike jihidis, whom the UK somehow thinks are “mentally ill”, this attempted murderer would actually seem to fit the description of “craycray”.

    He’s not going to have fun in the lockup.

  6. Tim April 19, 2018 at 8:35 am
    >Gee, we were told that AIDS was a “Badge of Honor.”
    (Dick Sargent)

    His real name was Richard (Dick) Cox…no wonder he went queer.

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