Gay Leftist Protests Climate Change and Fossil Fuels By Self-Immolating in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park – IOTW Report

Gay Leftist Protests Climate Change and Fossil Fuels By Self-Immolating in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park

The gay activist (he was the lead lawyer in the “Boys Don’t Cry” case) left a note likening himself to the Tibetan Monk who self-immolated protesting China. But there really is no comparison because the Monk was protesting actual events, this sad figure killed himself over a fictitious crisis.

Even if one stipulates that global warming is real, man cannot control the weather, and that in itself reveals the mental defect in a leftist. That need to control.

I wish the guy thought about this a little more like an activist and convinced several thousand of like-minded people to join him in protest. The carbon footprint would have been extremely hazardous to the environment, causing an ice sheet or two to melt, but it’s the trade-off I would have to live with.

RIP dude. You employed a permanent solution to an invented crisis.


45 Comments on Gay Leftist Protests Climate Change and Fossil Fuels By Self-Immolating in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park

  1. Today, those of us in New England endured a 38 degree temperature change. The high was 71 and the low will be 33. No one died. No one starved. And, no, Mr. Ted Turner, cannabalism didn’t break out.
    Also, I had no urge to set myself on fire to protest the inhumane treatment of Bigfoot.

  2. ā€œAuthorities were called to the park after a passerby told nearby officers there was a fire on the grass around 6:15 a.m.ā€œ

    6:15 in the morning? Dude, people are just having coffee.
    Thereā€™s an old saying in show business, you gotta go where the people are.

  3. This is horrible! I’m so distraught I’m walking to church tomorrow, instead of driving. I hope this doesn’t become a trend, and force me to take a stinky bus, or (heavens!) bicycle to the train station, to get to work. But if it means that much to people, I’ll do it. Every day someone torches themselves for climate change (be sure and leave a note a safe distance away, I don’t want anyone stealing your valor in the name of another cause), I won’t drive to work, the next day. Promise.

  4. Is there any way that we could make self-immolation mandatory for Leftist protesters? Or maybe even, make it ‘the GREATEST new thing’ for them?: e.g., “Show how much you care about (fill in blank)! SET FIRE TO YOURSELF!”

    P.S. — Is this Lefty eligible for a Darwin Award?

  5. @Phillip Sprague April 14, 2018 at 8:46 pm

    > I bet nothing ever grows on that spot. Diseased ground. Squirrels will avoid it.

    The grass? Probably. But the squirrels? New York squirrels, you’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

  6. Where do we line up to piss on it?

    That transtesticle case in Nebraska hurt a few in my family and one of our best friends was murdered. I hope he suffered like the cocksucker he was. I wish I could repeat it and watch.

  7. If he didn’t die of spontaneous human combustion (look it up), then he probably used one of the very fossil fuels he was protesting against.

    Not a very convincing activist, IMHO.

  8. I should hope that’s his last stunt. Unless he comes back as a ghost. I think a gay ghost would be pink instead of white. So if anyone sees a pink form floating around the park, we can assume its his ghost.

  9. I bet he smoked a last fag (cigarette) before using a bunch of sticks (faggots) to start the fire that set himself (a faggot) on fire.

    It all makes sense.


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