Gay Man Can’t Say What Gays Should Fear From Trump – IOTW Report

Gay Man Can’t Say What Gays Should Fear From Trump

Tucker says to the guest, through laughter, “I made the mistake of taking you seriously, something that I will never do again.”

24 Comments on Gay Man Can’t Say What Gays Should Fear From Trump

  1. How unfair of Tucker. Trying to make sense of talking points.

    Do not, I repeat, do not expect any liberal to know anything on either side of the tightrope upon which they are balancing.

  2. The POOP (Party Of Organized Protests) manual: “Throw everything at the wall. If nothing sticks bring up his tax returns.”
    He has a “legitimate reason” to be protesting, and that is, he wants his 25 minutes (yes, they’re getting longer now) of fame. And he’s getting it! Other gays are already fawning over him on Twitter “he’s so sexy!” It’s the blind guiding the blind.

  3. I wish Tucker would have asked about why he was supported the Muslim march against the “muslin ban”. Those seven countries with terroist ties also have laws which make being gay illegal and In Some cases punishable by death. Those are some of the values he is trying to keep out. God people are stupid.

  4. The thing that the left hate the most – laughter. They take themselves WAY too seriously. And to be dismissed in such a cavalier manner……that’s gotta leave a bruise.

  5. Can’t let facts get in the way of the narrative.

    Guy will learn nothing – go on spewing hate and irrationality, preening in his victim-hood.

    The point is to protest. Not to protest anything in particular – just protest.
    My guess is that a lot of people don’t pay much attention – they see the protest and aren’t too concerned about the causes, or the fact that there are NO solutions.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Ideological Subversion as explained by ex KGB Yuri Bezmenov.

    “the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible…..thanks to lack of moral stands…exposure to true information does not matter anymore…..a person who is demoralized is unable to access true information, the facts tell nothing to him”

    These fools are lost causes.

  7. Gay Man Can’t Say What Gays Should Fear From Trump

    They have nothing to fear any more. They can marry, get on the public dole, force a business to sell them stuff even if the business refuses. They’ve got it all now, so STFU!

  8. Tucker treats honest, informed guests with whom he disagrees, with respect.

    Nitwits, not so much

    Don’t “these people” watch Tucker – a couple of shows at least – after they are invited on?

    Tucker may start having trouble getting the most entertaining people . . . but maybe not, as they do appear to be clueless that they are about to be reamed.

  9. “I am protesting because I fear what he will do to me because I am gay. But telling you what I am afraid he will do to me because I am gay is not relevant to this conversation even though I was the one who brought it up. What is important is that thousands of people are protesting Trump, not that many of them can tell you specifically what they are afraid he will do, either.”

    And when is it a requirement that someone release their tax record? How many of these people will will even read the returns themselves, or will they just depend on what those uber-beings in the MSM tell them about those returns?

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