Gay presidential hopeful labels Trump homophobic with absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE- that’s not very presidential – IOTW Report

Gay presidential hopeful labels Trump homophobic with absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE- that’s not very presidential

What a smug jerk this Pete Buttiwhatever is.


Mayor Pete Buttigieg isn’t fooling himself … Donald Trump will target him with homophobic remarks as the 2020 Presidential campaign heats up.

The openly gay South Bend Mayor, who has soared in popularity, will appear on “TMZ Live” Monday … the day after he formally announces his bid to make a move to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Buttigieg has a plan if Trump goes low … confront and disengage.

The Mayor will tackle a variety of issues on “TMZ Live”, from courting voters who may have predisposed views of gays, to the consequences people should face if they cheat to get their kids into college.

And, hint … he plays a respectable guitar!!!

Buttigieg is expected to make a formal announcement he’s running on Sunday.


36 Comments on Gay presidential hopeful labels Trump homophobic with absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE- that’s not very presidential

  1. Considering Omar, AOC, Tilt-lib, (whatever), Maxi-pad, etc. It seems as though a lot of voters love to choose someone that is very different, strange, weird or abnormal.
    I’m guessing gay boy has a fair chance.

  2. Mr.Clean Looking Buttplug is trying to channel Alinsky!

    BUTT, he has NO idea what his is up against, POTUS will shred when the time allows.

    The only thing he plays WELL is the skin flute…


  3. Maybe Chris Wallace will soften Buttleg up a little with one question: Are you a flake?
    I doubt it. Wallace dosen’t have the balls. He had no problem asking it of Michele Bachmann, a lady.

  4. His sexual preference is all he has. He has to use that to attempt to demonize the beliefs of others, in order to stay controversial and in front of the cameras.
    If is interesting, that his city has a higher per capita murder rate than chicongo. Why isn’t he asked about that? The msm has programmed everyone to think he comes from some idyllic city and that everyone loves him. He’s gay and married to another man- nothing special in the world of today. Aberrant perhaps, but not special anymore.
    Ask him about the new trash trucks he bought and the existing alleys they can’t fit on. He can’t govern, he can only strut, but he’ll step around that particular pile of poop.

  5. But he will not be the first queer as president. Hey, how did that work out? Maybe first white queer. I heard he may drop out of the race because he didn’t want to leave his buddys behind……………

  6. Running the greastest nation on earth requires a great man or woman.

    The ONLY thing close since Reagan is Trump.

    Mr. Butt’s resume is short on succeess, patriotism, and substance. Ellen Show garbage aside, will Americans attempt suicide again?

    We dont need a second gay president whose only appeal is that he is homosexual and he was brought up indoctrinated by leftists.


  7. I’m already sick to death of this clown. Given that, as a group, homosexuals are on the upper end of the income scale, this idiot may rake in pretty sizable campaign contributions. Money he can keep when he inevitably drops out.

  8. I’m hoping he sticks it out. (Oh, hush!)

    I’m also hoping that the people on the wrong side of history remember that voting is anonymous.

    Stickers good. Twitter bad.

    “It’s okay not to vote gay.
    (Nobody will know.)”

    “It’s okay not to vote color.
    (Nobody will know.)”

    “It’s okay not to vote gender.
    (Nobody will know.)”

  9. The first of a thousand lies from this Buttgagger.

    All perverts are evil. Lying is no big deal to them at all. People that support murder of the innocent have no problems with lying.

  10. He’s a nothing.
    Trump need not save any ammunition for him (it? ze? zit? zim?).
    Another circus freak like Mad Max Waters, Liz Liawatha Warren, Hank the Retard Johnson, Bernie the Rich Bolshevik Sanders, and the rest of the Klowns filling the Demonrat Presidential Hopeful Klown Kar Kollection of Kollusional Konspriatorial Kleptocrats (KKK^2).

    Let em talk. Let em lie. Don’t give any of them the satisfaction of a direct response – a response gives them an importance far beyond their worth – let them wither in the dust of being ignored.

    Just as with the Globaloney Warming Scam – if asked about the “New Green Deal” President Trump should ask “Why should I respond to a hoax? Globaloney Warming is a sick, pernicious cult promulgated by greedy bastards who have figured out another way to take money from imbeciles.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. If Trump faces him in the 2020 election, he should ask him in a debate: “Why dinja’ get a girl blow-up doll? That would’ve been better than goin’ queer, ya faggot.”

  12. Don’t get too secure when what we’ve had happen when it comes to elections.
    I believe Buttigieg joining with vice president elect Mr. Hankey could be a real force to reckon’ with in 2020. More so than Biden/Harris.
    From the Dem’s selection over the past 30 years and point of view, settle-ling for Sh*t has always appeased.


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