Gay sailor wins the lottery that allows him to be the “first kiss” when he arrives for Christmas – IOTW Report

Gay sailor wins the lottery that allows him to be the “first kiss” when he arrives for Christmas

So, what do the gay guys decide to do?

They recreate the iconic Times Square VJ Day kiss between the Sailor and the Nurse.

(I will spare everyone the recreation.)

You know I’ve been thinking about this incessant assault upon straight, white males. We are the devil, we are bigots, we are racist, we are no damn good, yet, people of color and homosexuals take every opportunity to emulate, copy and appropriate every damn thing the straight white man has ever done.

We can’t be all that bad, no?

ht/ fdr in hell

35 Comments on Gay sailor wins the lottery that allows him to be the “first kiss” when he arrives for Christmas

  1. If they’d have done that when I was in the Navy back in the mid 70’s I’d be willing to bet that Admiral Zunwalt would’ve personally handled their court martials. The new and so called improved Navy is not my Navy anymore. Fags (as well as lesbians) do not belong on ships, call me old fashioned and a geezer but it’s just not right. The Village People singing YMCA should be their official theme song just because.

  2. Sadly, Heteronormativity is something that we have to fight for.

    Progressives, in an attempt to portray themselves as the cool kids, have always tried to turn normalcy, Judaeo-Christian values, essentially all morals and ethics on their head as a way of broadening their tent ,”See, we welcome all, we don’t judge, anything goes at our party so leave your inhibitions at the door”.

    Check out the latest vomitus over at Thinkprogress;

    A PRIVATE adaption group who happens to emulate Christian values, thinks giving adopted kids the best chance of success is when they are placed with 2 parent committed heterosexual couples (they are right, btw) and progressive crapwagons label them as “hate” groups.This is what it has come to, the battle lines have been drawn, pick a side.

  3. If you’ve ever read Goodbye Darkness by William Manchester his autobiography of being a Marine fighting in the Pacific during World War 2 there was a part in there where he described a Marine Sgt. who got caught in the act with his pecker in a fellow Marine’s ass and was court martialed and sent to Military Prison at Portsmouth in New Hampshire for being a homosexual.

  4. @geoff the aardvark – I was in the Navy in the same timeframe. Your right, they would have been CM’d and dishonorably discharged.
    We had a classmate in ET/CTM school who went through a year and a half of advanced electronics and just before graduating C school (and then going to a duty station) came out and said he was gay. Kicked out and landed a high paying job in the electronics field courtesy of Uncle Sam.
    I’d also add one more group to your list that should be banned from ships; women.

  5. There have been gays in the Navy forever, in the closet, but democrat presidents mainstreamed them and now they’re loud mouth gay activists bullying everyone into acceptance. Like every liberal movement it is a process of incrementalism
    Take some ground and hold it. Then advance to the next trench.

    Bill Clinton gave us “don’t ask don’t tell”. Obama gave us Bradley Manning. In just ten years.

    I hate the fucking left. For them it’s a nonstop bull rush to sodom and gommorah.

  6. My only problem is with the advertising that accompanies this article.

    And there’s a nice picture of a long black grease gun to accompany the text….

  7. We had one known gay guy in my squadron, there my have been more but who knows, he was one of the Squadron’s Yeomen which is basically the Company Clerk. Everyone pretty much knew he was gay and as long as he kept it quiet and didn’t try anything we left him alone and he left us alone.

  8. Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Who would have ever guessed that this is exactly what they would do? For as “creative” as the left wants you to accept that they are… derivative, cliche’d and predictable is more often than not their calling card. Their art is as formulaic as their politics.

  9. Perversity propaganda is a priority for all the major media because they are owned by the perverse offspring of the Devil who has given them wealth and power for worshiping him. Morality is a basis of Christian faith and behavior. Therefore destroying the Christian based society of America has been the primary goal of the foul media moguls, as well as the immoral education/religion powers that be. Only the most despicably vile behavior will get in the MSM, while decent and moral behavior will not, even if there is much more of it.

  10. I can think of two instances where we discovered it on ship:

    1) Guy got caught doing things to others while they were sleeping – was ordered off ship at next port – he didn’t make it and NIS never figured out where he went.

    2) Second guy (lifer) got caught makng a pass at a young guy and was told he’d be discharged with a medical — He hung himself in the chain locker.

    Old Navy ‘fore wimmin and fags allowed.

  11. I honestly don’t care about rump rangers, ass masters or pillow biting butt pirates…permission granted to live your miserable fucking lives. None of my business unless I
    have to pay for your self inflicted health care issues.
    But when you go all activist…THOU SHALT WORSHIP AND RESPECT US AND OUR LIFESTYLES. Well, just knit me some new doilies ya faggots

  12. Nothing convinces me more of the depraved, evil and unnatural aspects of homosexuality, than compared to normal, God ordained, heterosexual behavior.
    If this perverted fiasco, the US military condoned was an attempt to persuaded me otherwise – they failed miserably.

  13. The DAILY MAIL headline perpetuates the false notion that if you don’t approve of something, you’re “phobic.”

    Screw that! We don’t have to agree with Islam/Sharia, Socialism, Homosexuality, or any other way of life.

    Stop being guilt-ridden, people!
    Push back.


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